

Bill Clinton

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Bonita Tromp

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2y ago
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How has immigration changed since the 1900s

it has stayed constant in recent decades but now makes up over half of the population of the united states

Why did the vitamin war start

The Vietnam war started during the cold war. The United States entered the Vietnam war in hopes of stopping the spread of communism.

Which American president worked to stop the testing of nuclear weapons and was against Communism


Which countries are members of the NAFTA

the three countries that are a part of NAFTA or the North American Free Trade Agreement are Canada, Mexico and the United States.

Which term best describes early American foreign policy

America's ealry foreign policy tended toward isolationism.

What is promoted by the Community Reinvestment Act

These laws include the Community Reinvestment Act, which promotes community credit needs.

What event led to a reunited Germany

The fall of the Berlin wall -APEX

Does France belong to another country

No, France has never been a colony of another country.

When was Ustedes los ricos created

Ustedes los ricos was created in 1948.

What best explains the importance of Wisconsin v. Yoder

It reconfirmed that religious freedom is protected by the Constitution.

Why did some African American activists support communism

. They felt that fighting poverty was an important step toward improving the status of African Americans

What was the biggest area of disagreement between Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X

The benefits of relying only on civil disobedience.

What best explains the importance of the decision in Hernandez v. Texas

The decision said all racial groups were protected equally by the Fourteenth Amendment.

Which of the following U.S. policies was an element of the shift toward détente in American foreign policy during the Cold War

Engaging in secret diplomatic negotiations with China

Which individuals created the Black Entertainment Television BET network and became the first African American billionaire

Robert Johnson

What ideas is a major element of trickle down economics

Cutting taxes on businesses will encourage them to hire more workers

What two reasons President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb on Japan

1. Japan refused to surrender

2. Invading the Japanese mainland was projected to cost the lives of 1 million Allied soldiers.

which best explains the purpose of an ad's headline

A strong headline will hook the potential customer and compel them to read more about your products and services.

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Bill Clinton

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How has immigration changed since the 1900s

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Which American president worked to stop the testing of nuclear weapons and was against Communism

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Bill Clinton

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How has immigration changed since the 1900s

Why did the vitamin war start

Which American president worked to stop the testing of nuclear weapons and was against Communism

Which countries are members of the NAFTA

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Bill Clinton

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How has immigration changed since the 1900s

Why did the vitamin war start

Which American president worked to stop the testing of nuclear weapons and was against Communism

Which countries are members of the NAFTA

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Bill Clinton

15 cards

How has immigration changed since the 1900s

Why did the vitamin war start

Which American president worked to stop the testing of nuclear weapons and was against Communism

Which countries are members of the NAFTA

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