

Industrial Revolution

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Forrest Pfeffer

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2y ago
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How do the four factors of production affect the economy

Production factors are essentially the resources needed to produce something. The four generally recognized production factors are land, labor, capital, and either entrepreneurship or time, according to different economists.

What problem did socialist thinkers seek to solve

They wanted to find out how to allow all social classes to share the benefits of industrialization.

How did the industrial revolution affect the development of social classes in great Britain

Answer this question… It divided society into a greater number of social classes.

How was the process of industrialization similar in China and Russia

Industrialization in both China and Russia was guided by the government.

Why were children valued as laborers in coal mines during the industrial revolution

Their small bodies allowed them to pull loads of coal through small tunnels.

Which development was a result of increased urbanization during the Industrial Revolution

increased pollution

Which of the following describes an experience wealthy and poor women shared during the Industrial Revolution

Economic and social customs limited opportunities for all women to live independently.

During which step of Marx's transition from capitalism to communism would people join a movement to replace the current government


What development contributed to the eventual rise of capitalism in Europe

The expansion of the consumer market during the commercial revolution.

How did british labor unions relate to social reform efforts during the Victorian era

labor unions shared some of the goals of social reform movements by seeking to improve life for poor workers

What factor was most responsible for British leaders' failure to pass laws addressing pollution and workplace safety early in the Industrial Revolution

Capitalism! (C)

What was a major social effect of the Industrial Revolution

The gap between the rich and the poor grew larger

How did capitalist policies differ from mercantilist policies in 18th- and 19th-century Europe

Under capitalism, merchants were able to conduct unrestricted international trade. Under mercantilism, international trade was restricted.

How did industrialization affect business owners and working-class laborers differently

(Apex) Business owners made profits and benefited from new industrial technologies, while laborers were poorly paid and had limited access to new products.

Which of the following groups of people is an example of a corporation

A group of people who own a business selling pepper

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What problem did socialist thinkers seek to solve

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What did Adam smith said real wealth of a nation was measured by what

What actions would be favored by a government that supports a mercantilist economy

What was one major difference between the Commercial Revolution and the Industrial Revolution

What development contributed to the eventual rise of capitalism in Europe

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What did Adam smith said real wealth of a nation was measured by what

What actions would be favored by a government that supports a mercantilist economy

What is the key question socialism attempts to answer

What was one major difference between the Commercial Revolution and the Industrial Revolution

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What did Adam smith said real wealth of a nation was measured by what

What actions would be favored by a government that supports a mercantilist economy

What was one major difference between the Commercial Revolution and the Industrial Revolution

What development contributed to the eventual rise of capitalism in Europe

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