

Henry David Thoreau

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Kennith Lockman

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Cards in this guide (19)
What is transcendentalism

a nonreligious movement that loved nature and a simple life

What sentences contains a metaphor

She lived in a sea of grief -apex (:

What does Henry David Thoreau criticize in Resistance to Civil Government


Why did Henry David Thoreau think imprisonment is ineffective

Because government can only lock people up physically and not mentally.

What does Henry David Thoreau believe people should do when they think a law is unfair

Ignore it and distance themselves from the government

Which technique is most useful for seeing which regions of the brain are most active while a person reads a poem

Changing the pace with the intensity of the

How does Henry david thoreau use logos in resistance to civil government

To build an argument that a government should represent the desires of its people

What is the most plausible theme in The Raven

feelings of loss will never go away (apex)

Which of these phrases uses parallelism

Which of these phrases uses parallelism?

A. The engine purred. B. Life is wonderful. Life is painful. C. The flowers bloomed. Then, suddenly, without warning, they died. D. Love is beauty.
Which one of these might appear in an evaluation of a poem

a discussion of specific uses of repetition

What do Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson have in common

They were both inspired by nature.

Why do writers like Emerson and Thoreau use parallelism in their writing

to emphasize certain points

What topic is Henry David Thoreau's Resistance to Civil Government primarily about

An individual's relationship to government

Which of these is an important conclusion Henry David Thoreau draws at the end of Resistance to Civil Government

That the American government does not truly promote democracy

What was Henry David Thoreau's purpose in writing Resistance to Civil Government

To explain why citizens have a moral obligation to disobey laws they find unjust

Which of these is an example of how Henry David Thoreau appeals to ethos in Resistance to Civil Government

Pointing out that he never refuses to pay highway taxes.

What is one of the main reasons writers like Thoreau use metaphor in their writing

to reinforce key ideas

At the end of Resistance to Civil Government what does Henry David Thoreau conclude about the government

That it has not done enough to truly represent the people

It is truly enough said that a corporation has no conscience but a corporation of conscientious men is a corporation with a conscience. Which of these rhetorical devices does Thoreau use here

parallelism- APEX

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What is transcendentalism

How did Thoreau effectively persuade in his writing civil disobedience

What sentences contains a metaphor

What does Henry David Thoreau criticize in Resistance to Civil Government

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Open here you flung the shutter when with many a flirt and flutter

What sentences contains a metaphor

What does Henry David Thoreau criticize in Resistance to Civil Government

Why did Henry David Thoreau think imprisonment is ineffective

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