

Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau (July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862) was an American author, poet, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian, philosopher, and leading transcendentalist. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings.

483 Questions

What was Henry david Thoreau primary purpose in writing civil disobedience?

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Henry David Thoreau wrote Civil Disobedience as a form of protest against taxation. He spent the night in jail after refusing to pay a tax that would fund the Mexican War. He thought that submitting to the tax was being a slave to the government.

What does Thoreau mean when he says that some people hear a different drummer?

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When Thoreau says "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer," he means that some people follow their unique beliefs and values instead of conforming to societal expectations. This suggests that individuals who hear a different "drummer" are independent thinkers who march to their own beat.

When did Henry David Thoreau die?

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Henry David Thoreau died on May 6, 1862 at the age of 44.

Is Ralph Waldo Emerson single?

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Asked by Flossie Kozey

No, Ralph Waldo Emerson is not single.

What does Thoreau think about right after he wonders if he could have been of service to his community?

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Thoreau reflects on how he should not be so quick to serve his community before fully understanding what it truly needs. He realizes the importance of self-reflection and self-improvement before attempting to help others.

What does Thoreau say a person who works hard all the time is reduced to?

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Thoreau suggests that a person who works hard all the time can be reduced to a machine or a tool, devoid of their humanity and capacity for deeper thought or reflection.

What does the following thoreau quote mean i love to contemplate the mature soul of lesser innocence who hath traveled far on life's dusty road?

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This quote by Thoreau suggests a deep appreciation for individuals who have endured life's challenges and gained wisdom through their experiences. He values the purity and wisdom that comes with age and maturity, despite the hardships faced along life's journey.

Why does thoreau criticize soldiers?

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Asked by Doloresmoya98493400

Thoreau criticizes soldiers because he believed they blindly followed orders without questioning the morality of their actions, especially in instances of war or government injustice. He thought their compliance perpetuated unjust systems and limited individuals from thinking for themselves.

What is the area of Walden Pond?

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Walden Pond in Massachusetts has an area of approximately 61 acres.

What were thoreau's ideas and beliefs in the story walden?

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In "Walden," Thoreau believed in living a simple, deliberate life close to nature. He emphasized self-reliance, individualism, and the importance of seeking truth and meaning through personal experience and reflection. Thoreau also critiqued society's focus on materialism and advocated for a more mindful and intentional way of living.

What example does thoreau use when he writes about undue respect for the law?

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Thoreau uses the example of a man who allows himself to be locked up in prison for failing to pay a tax to illustrate undue respect for the law. Thoreau argues that blindly obeying an unjust law, such as one that supports systems of oppression like slavery, is morally wrong.

What did Thoreau mean by the real business of life?

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Thoreau meant that the real business of life is to live deliberately, to focus on what is essential, and to pay attention to what truly matters, such as self-discovery, self-reliance, and a connection with nature. He believed that people are often too preoccupied with material concerns and societal expectations, missing out on the deeper, more meaningful aspects of existence.

What was Henry David Thoreau's hair color?

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Henry David Thoreau had dark brown hair.

Why did Henry David Thoreau begin his experiment of living at Walden Pond?

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to conduct an experiment about living in solitude

Which would be the best way of describing the structure of Thoreau's observation?

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Thoreau's observations are structured in a contemplative and introspective manner, connecting personal experiences with broader themes in nature and society. He often uses vivid descriptions and detailed anecdotes to convey his ideas, creating a deep sense of connection between the reader and the natural world.

What book did Henry David Thoreau write all misfortune is but a stepping stone to fortune?

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The quote "All misfortune is but a stepping stone to fortune" is not from a book written by Henry David Thoreau. It is attributed to his contemporary, Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company. Thoreau was an American essayist and philosopher who is known for works like "Walden" and "Civil Disobedience."

Why did Henry david Thoreau admire native American?

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Asked by Wiki User

Henry David Thoreau admired Native Americans for their close connection to nature, their simplicity of living, their spiritual beliefs, and their resistance to the encroachment of European settlers. Thoreau saw Native American culture as more in harmony with the land and less destructive than the industrialized society of his time.

What does this passage from Walden by Henry David Thoreau literally mean when he said drive life into a corner and reduce it to its lowest terms?

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Asked by Wiki User

In this passage, Thoreau is encouraging readers to simplify their lives and focus on what is truly essential. By driving life into a corner and reducing it to its lowest terms, he suggests cutting out unnecessary distractions and complexities in order to find meaning and clarity in the simplest aspects of life.

Is Waldo from Where is waldo a real person?

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Asked by Reginaldswatsbuklin

No, Waldo is a fictional character created by Martin Handford for the "Where's Waldo?" series of books. He is known for wearing a red and white striped shirt, glasses, and a red and white beanie hat.

What is Ceila Walden most known for?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ceila Walden is most known for being a British photographer known for her work in portrait photography, fashion, and celebrity photography. She has captured iconic images of many notable figures in the entertainment and fashion industries.

Where is waldo in the enormous party?

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You can find Waldo in the crowd by carefully scanning each detailed scene in the book "Where's Waldo?", looking for his distinctive red and white striped shirt, hat, and glasses among the sea of characters. Each scene is filled with distractions and other characters dressed similarly, so it may take some time to locate him.

What national advances does Thoreau deem unnceessary?

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Thoreau believed that many advances in technology and industrialization, such as the railroad and telegraph, were unnecessary and detrimental to society's well-being. He felt that these advancements were leading to a disconnect between individuals and nature, causing people to become overly focused on material possessions and superficial concerns.

Which time of day did Thoreau use a metaphor concerning waking through this chapter?

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Thoreau used a metaphor concerning waking in the morning in the chapter "Where I Lived, and What I Lived For" in his book "Walden." He compares waking up in the morning to being reborn and starting each day fresh.