

Industrial Revolution

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Evelyn Borer

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2y ago
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Which of the following was not an issue in big cities during the Industrial Revolution

poor sanitation and health problemsWhich of the following was not an issue in big cities during the Industrial Revolution?

How many hours did a factory worker of 1890 work


Which development was influenced by the enlightenment

18th century political revolutions in Europe and the Americas

How did socialists suggest solving the inequities caused by the industrial revolution

ending private ownership of factories, mines, and mills

What events motivated China to launch its Self-Strengthening Movement in the 19th century

Its defeat in wars against Europeans

What situations is most similar to the actions taken by supporters of social reform movements during the Industrial Revolution

A labor group pressures the U.S. government to pass laws requiring all factories to install advanced sprinkler systems to put out fires.

What ideas would a utopian socialist not support

Answer this question… Violence is necessary to create major social change.

Which of these groups of people were least likely to benefit from industrialization

Children working in coal mines

Which of the following best describes Russia's motivation for freeing its serfs

To create an industrial workforc

Who had benefited from the industrial revolution according to Carnegie

All consumers

Which of the following statements best describes the contributions of Louis Pasteur during the Industrial Revolution

He developed a method to kill disease-causing bacteria in food and water.

What statements best explains why socialists passed worker safety laws following the industrial revolution

To improve the quality of life for poor workers

How did European imperialism affect Asia After the Industrial Revolution

china was forced to legalize the importation of opium.

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Which of the following was not an issue in big cities during the Industrial Revolution

How many hours did a factory worker of 1890 work

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How did socialists suggest solving the inequities caused by the industrial revolution

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Which development was influenced by the enlightenment

What events motivated China to launch its Self-Strengthening Movement in the 19th century

What situations is most similar to the actions taken by supporters of social reform movements during the Industrial Revolution

What ideas would a utopian socialist not support

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Which development was influenced by the enlightenment

What events motivated China to launch its Self-Strengthening Movement in the 19th century

What situations is most similar to the actions taken by supporters of social reform movements during the Industrial Revolution

What ideas would a utopian socialist not support

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Which of the following was not an issue in big cities during the Industrial Revolution

How many hours did a factory worker of 1890 work

What problem did socialist thinkers seek to solve

How were Herbert Spencer's theories used to justify imperialism

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Who are three people that attempted to establish utopian communities during the 19th century

How many hours did a factory worker of 1890 work

Which development was influenced by the enlightenment

How did socialists suggest solving the inequities caused by the industrial revolution

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