

History, Politics & Society

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Rosetta Pollich

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Which European country was the first to import enslaved Africans to the Americas

Spain was the first country to import enslaved Africans to the Americas :)

What is an example of a dangerous passing situation

What is an example of a dangerous passing situation?

What does the Islamic pillar salah

Salah is the second pillar of Islam. The Muslims offer prayer five times a day.

Why did Europe not play a large role in the African slave trade before the 1400s

Peasants provided European leaders with enough labor.

How were some of the indigenous workers able to escape the encomienda system

The indigenous people knew more abouth the land than the colonists and could often escape into the wilderness.

How did Islam influence the government of the ottoman empire

There are several ways that the Caliph, and the Sunni Religious Order he led in the Ottoman Empire, as well as the Islamic Law helped the Ottoman Sultans and the other secular authorities maintain power.

Geographic Organization: One of the key ways that the mosques served the Ottoman Empire was by keeping parish records of the Ottoman subjects. This allowed the sultan to know how many births and deaths there were in every village in the empire as well as know how many able-bodied men could be summoned as footsoldiers should the need arise. Since the mosques were managed by the government's religious ministry, these records were directly accessible to the sultan. Additionally, since most Imams could read, even though the population in general could not, the mosque could become a place where imperial proclamations could be read out to the population after the khobta or sermon. This allowed for easy dissemination of information from the government to the general population.

Military Assistance: In many parts of the Ottoman military, there were Sufi Mystics who served as patriotic military chaplains. They would provide zeal and patriotism to rally the Ottoman soldiers to the defense of the Empire for religious motives and take care of the soldiers' spiritual concerns. In this way, they helped to motivate the armies.

Dispute Resolution: Al-Qanun (the Religious Law) and the Qadis (Religious Legal Scholars / Judges) served to provide legal and equitable remedies to the people. Al-Qanun was enforceable from religious courts to all secular domains, so the disputes resolved in the religious courts and overseen by the Caliph had actual effect and restored domestic tranquility. Additionally, by allowing the Qadis to oversee the allocation of justice, the sultan was freer to allocate funds to imperial construction products or military endeavors, allowing the Ottomans to more effectively police their territory and expand it.

Cultural Unity: The dominance of Sunni Islam in all parts of the Ottoman Empire helped solidify a unified culture, especially in places like the Arab World, where most of the population resented Turkish control over Non-Turks. The loyalty to the Caliph in all parts of the Sunni Islamic World gave implicit legitimacy to the Ottoman Empire even from those Sunni Muslims who otherwise would consider rebelling and restoring local Non-Turkish power.

Sultan's Impunity: With the Caliph established as the supreme moral authority, the sultan was not required to be as moral as he would otherwise be required. This allowed the sultan to be crueler to his prisoners and enemies and to violate standards of decency (such as drinking alcohol or having a harem of over four women) without being impeached for it. In many cases, the sultan used direct force to compel obedience and not needing to save face afterwards permitted this to continue. Conversely, the Caliph would have to live a life of piety.

How did the Atlantic slave trade lead to the African diaspora

Large communities of Africans developed in the countries where slaves were sold.

Why were the Spanish explorers interested in conquering the Aztec and Inca empires

They wanted to capture the empires' gold and resources.

How was the Atlantic slave trade different in the 1400s and 1500s than it was in the 1600s

In the 1400s and 1500s, more slaves were sold between African countries than across the Atlantic. In the 1600s, more slaves were sold across the Atlantic.

How was the treatment of slaves different in west African cultures than in the Atlantic slave trade

In West African cultures slaves were treated like people, while in the Atlantic slave trade they were treated like property.

Why did many slaves die during the middle passage voyage from Africa to the Americas

Most of the slaves faced horrible conditions on the ships.

How were the philosophies of individualism and secularism similar during the European Renaissance

Each philosophy deemphasized the importance of religion.

What is an example of coerced labor

A farmer forces people to work in the fields.

What best describes the criteria used to determine a person's social class in Spain's American colonies

The racial history of a person's family

How was the slave trade in the 1600s similar to that of the 1800s

In both centuries, more African slaves were sold across the Atlantic than within Africa.

How did the Commercial Revolution spark European involvement in the African slave trade

Europeans began to structure their economies around international trade during the Commercial Revolution.

How did the Age of Exploration contribute to European involvement in the African slave trade

Europeans came into contact with African slave traders while exploring the coast of Africa.

What statement defines colonialism

the policy of extending political and economic control over a foreign territory

What statement correctly contrasts the experiences of Africans and indigenous peoples in Spanish territories in the New World

We can't answer this question because we don't the statements you are asking about.

Zheng He traveled across the Ocean to trade with other countries.


Ask us anythingThis map shows the Middle East around 1600. Which region was ruled by the Safavid emperor

Its region A for Apex (Just took the test)

In the late 18th century the king of England sent representatives to China in hopes of opening it to increased trade. What did the Qing emperor Qianlong's response to this request illustrate about the

Harshly declared china saw no value

What did the early slave trades in West Africa (the trans-Saharan slave trade) and east Africa have in common

Neither system of trade involved shipping slaves to the Americas. -Jade

How was the Portuguese colonial experience in Africa in the 1520s different from that of the Dutch in the 1650s

The Porteguese face written complaints, while the dutch faced armed resistance. -apex

Which statement best describes the treatment of African slaves during the Middle Passage

Europeans had little regard for slaves' lives and treated them terribly.

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Which European country was the first to import enslaved Africans to the Americas

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What is an example of a dangerous passing situation

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What does the Islamic pillar salah

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