

History of the United States

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Anya Mayer

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Who were flappers

During the 1920's the flappers represented a change in the American woman in society. They started showing skin with shorter skirts. They started wearing shorter hair and makeup. The skinny boyish figure was stylish at this time and, in some cases, so was unisex fashion. They drank, smoked, cursed, danced, participated in petting parties, and engaged in other activities seen as scandalous by the society of the day.

Who were the Okies

Oklahoma Dust Bowl farmers who migrated to California to find work.

The study of the past based on what people left behind

The study of the past based on what people left behind is called history.

Why were flappers shocking to society


Social attitudes in the past were opposed to independent women.

What issues encouraged membership in the Communist Party

Racial discrimination and poverty were issues that encouraged Communist Party membership.

What was one reason for the founding of the NAACP

Some of the reasons for the founding of the NAACP were:

  • The desire to oppose racism
  • African Americans' desire for more opportunities
  • Jim Crow laws
  • Segregation laws
In The Negro Digs Up His Past what is Arthur Schomburg discussing

In "The Negro Digs Up His Past," Arthur Schomburg is discussing the he study of the history of African Americans.

How did the policy of Fordism affect workers

The policy of Fordism affect workers because they gained higher wages and could buy more goods.

Which leader helped to found the NAACP

W. E. B. DuBois helped to found the NAACP.

How was Marcus Garvey different from civil rights leaders apex

He did not believe that equality could be achieved

Who was famous poet during the Harlem Renaissance

Langston Hughes (L.H)

The purpose of the UNIA was to

Promote African American pride

Which is true of Pullman porters in the 1920s

Pullman porters needed a union because they were not treated well.

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Who were flappers

Who were the Okies

The study of the past based on what people left behind

What issues encouraged membership in the Communist Party

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What was the Black Star Line

What was one reason for the founding of the NAACP

In The Negro Digs Up His Past what is Arthur Schomburg discussing

Which leader helped to found the NAACP

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What did the nineteenth amendment do

What was the Black Star Line

What issues encouraged membership in the Communist Party

In The Negro Digs Up His Past what is Arthur Schomburg discussing

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12 cards

What was the Black Star Line

What was one reason for the founding of the NAACP

In The Negro Digs Up His Past what is Arthur Schomburg discussing

Which was an action by the universal negro improvement association

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Who were flappers

What was the Black Star Line

Why was political change for women difficult before 1920

Why were flappers shocking to society

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