

US Constitution

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Troy O'Keefe

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2y ago
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What provided constitutional justification for segregation for almost sixty years

The Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson is what provided constitutional justification for segregation. Segregation in public schools was outlawed in another Supreme Court ruling in 1954.

What defines a type of specialty court operated directly by the armed forces

A Court-martial is a specialty court operated directly by the armed forces.

What is the jurisdiction of the US Court of Federal Claims

cases involving claims of the people against the United States

What was the ruling in the landmark case Plessy v Ferguson 1896

"separate but equal" facilities did not violate the constitution.

When was Office of the Attorney General of Colombia created

Office of the Attorney General of Colombia was created in 1991.

In which year was the department of the interior created

It would be in 1849

What of the following have helped shape the American judicial system

We don't have the list, but the constitution helped shape the judicial branch.

Which branch of government does the supreme court judges belong


What is the term limit for a Supreme Court justice

No limit

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Who was the first woman to serve on the supreme court

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Who was the first woman to serve on the supreme court

What provided constitutional justification for segregation for almost sixty years

What is the jurisdiction of the US Court of International Trade

Which of the following taxes can be shifted from one individual to another through the process of increasing the price of the goods sold

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What provided constitutional justification for segregation for almost sixty years

When the office of the president was first developed how was the vice president selected

Where would a person file a suit if he or she feels the IRS has charged him or her the wrong amount of federal income tax

What term is best defined as to assemble for public purpose

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