

History of the United States

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Edyth Anderson

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2y ago
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Why did workers form labor unions

it was to protect the rights of the workers in factories so they have the right to protest, get compensated if they get injured working, etc.

To speak with one voice.

What did the progressives support

Progressives were interested in establishing a more transparent and accountable government which would work to improve U.S. society. These reformers favored such policies as civil service reform, food safety laws, and increased political rights for women and U.S. workers.

What was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago

Teaching of english was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago.

What was typical of city tenement buildings

lack of windows

What was true about the 1892 Homestead strike

Private security was hired to protect strikebreakers during the 1892 Homestead strike.

What following applies to government corruption in the progressive era

Government corruption was fought by progressives and muckrakers- apex

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Why did workers form labor unions

What did the progressives support

What was true about gas and electric service in cities prior to the Progressive Era

What was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago

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Why did workers form labor unions

What did the progressives support

What was true about gas and electric service in cities prior to the Progressive Era

What was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago

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Why did workers form labor unions

What did the progressives support

What was true about gas and electric service in cities prior to the Progressive Era

What was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago

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Why did workers form labor unions

What did the progressives support

What was true about gas and electric service in cities prior to the Progressive Era

What was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago

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