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Keira Boyle

Lvl 10
2y ago
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What interpretation of the Tempest was the same in both the Utah Valley University and Balinese productions

Caliban was a monstrous character.

Prospero was powerful and in control.

prospero was powerful and in control apex

What staging effect is used in the Utah Valley University production of the tempest

Nontraditional Staging - APEX

What statement best explains the difference between the Balinese production's interpretation of the tempest and the Utah valley university production's interpretation

The Balinese production has a magical and mystical tone, while the tone of the Utah Valley University production is more menacing.

The Balinese production used a shadow screen as a stage, while the Utah Valley University production used a traditional stage and actors.

How does the utah production of the tempest emphasize mirandas fear of caliban

Miranda hangs back and keeps her distance from Caliban.

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4 cards

What staging effect is used in the Utah Valley University production of the tempest

What statement best explains the difference between the Balinese production's interpretation of the tempest and the Utah valley university production's interpretation

How is caliban portrayed in the utah valley university production of the tempest

How does the utah production of the tempest emphasize mirandas fear of caliban

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4 cards

What staging effect is used in the Utah Valley University production of the tempest

What statement best explains the difference between the Balinese production's interpretation of the tempest and the Utah valley university production's interpretation

How is caliban portrayed in the utah valley university production of the tempest

How does the utah production of the tempest emphasize mirandas fear of caliban

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4 cards

What staging effect is used in the Utah Valley University production of the tempest

What statement best explains the difference between the Balinese production's interpretation of the tempest and the Utah valley university production's interpretation

How is caliban portrayed in the utah valley university production of the tempest

How does the utah production of the tempest emphasize mirandas fear of caliban

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4 cards

What staging effect is used in the Utah Valley University production of the tempest

What statement best explains the difference between the Balinese production's interpretation of the tempest and the Utah valley university production's interpretation

How is caliban portrayed in the utah valley university production of the tempest

How does the utah production of the tempest emphasize mirandas fear of caliban

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1 Review


4 cards

What staging effect is used in the Utah Valley University production of the tempest

What statement best explains the difference between the Balinese production's interpretation of the tempest and the Utah valley university production's interpretation

How is caliban portrayed in the utah valley university production of the tempest

How does the utah production of the tempest emphasize mirandas fear of caliban

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