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Joe Johnston

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What type of volcanoes formed the Hawaiian islands

Shield Volcanoes.

Which type of fault occurs at divergent boundaries


Is the asthenosphere a region in the earth where magma chambers form

Yes. That is what the asthenosphere is.

What is an eruption from the side of a volcano called

lateral eruption

What is a long crack from which lava flows through


Which type of volcano has explosive eruptions due to thick magma which contains a large amount pf pressurized gas

the stratovolcano

What forms when lava flows vertically through a layer of rock


When magma reaches the exterior of the Earth's crust it becomes


Which volcanoes form from the fallen cinders and tephra of an eruption

Cinder Cone

When magma does not have enough pressure to break completely through the neck and into a central vent it forms

When magma does not have enough pressure to break completely through the neck and into a central vent, it forms a Dike.

If an extremely thick amount of ash falls it can cause the roofs of buildings to

If an extremely thick amount of ash falls on building roofs, it will cause them to collapse due to the extremely heavy weight.

Volcanic mountains build from layers of ash cinders and lava erupting onto the earth's surface.


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What type of volcanoes formed the Hawaiian islands

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12 cards

What type of volcanoes formed the Hawaiian islands

Which type of fault occurs at divergent boundaries

Is the asthenosphere a region in the earth where magma chambers form

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What type of volcanoes formed the Hawaiian islands

Which type of fault occurs at divergent boundaries

Is the asthenosphere a region in the earth where magma chambers form

What is an eruption from the side of a volcano called

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What type of volcanoes formed the Hawaiian islands

Which type of fault occurs at divergent boundaries

Is the asthenosphere a region in the earth where magma chambers form

What is an eruption from the side of a volcano called

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12 cards

What type of volcanoes formed the Hawaiian islands

Which type of fault occurs at divergent boundaries

Is the asthenosphere a region in the earth where magma chambers form

What is an eruption from the side of a volcano called

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