

Politics and Government

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Jeffry Ortiz

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What interest groups attempts to influence public policy at the international level

Interest groups influence public policy through lobbying of their specific special interest they have in mind. The number one way interest groups affect public policy is by providing information to politicians which is illegal. Interest groups influence public opinion by showing the upsides of their policies & hiding the downsides. Also interest groups influence public policies through lobbying of their specific special interest they have in their minds. They usually get popular people to support it.

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between the national state and local levels of political parties

local and state organizations can have platforms that differ from the party's national platform.

there are only loosely connected, allowing different regions to have their own platforms and interests

national party committees have no real power over organizations at the state and local levels

What is the primary goal of interest groups

changing or maintaining particular policies

ensuring that the group's beliefs are represented in public policy

Which statement about lobbyists is most accurate

lobbyists frequently invite lawmakers to restaurants or other forms of entertainment

lobbyists represent individuals and organizations on issues that major political parties might not address

Which items in the list are methods a political party might use to influence public opinion

giving journalists access to research data supporting a party position and creating a website listing the accomplishments of party candidates up for reelection

Which groups that make up political parties are represented in the passage

party organizers, volunteers, voters, and elected officials

Which activity is not one of the primary ways political parties shape public policy

encouraging voter registration at the local level

encouraging citizens to file lawsuits against other parties

recruiting volunteers to assist with party activities

Which positive function of interest groups does the scenario describe

serving as watchdogs to prevent government corruption

inspiring political participation

Which description best illustrates an interest group's use of public pressure to indirectly influence policy

gathering data on how many veterans lack proper health care and publicizing it on social media

encouraging people to send letters email to the president about climate change

Which speaker most likely represents an economic interest group

speaker 2

Which description best illustrates an interest groups use a public pressure to indirectly influence policy

Gathering data on how many veterans lack proper health care and publicizing it on social media.

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What interest groups attempts to influence public policy at the international level

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between the national state and local levels of political parties

What is the primary goal of interest groups

Which statement about lobbyists is most accurate

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What interest groups attempts to influence public policy at the international level

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between the national state and local levels of political parties

What is the primary goal of interest groups

Which statement about lobbyists is most accurate

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What interest groups attempts to influence public policy at the international level

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between the national state and local levels of political parties

What is the primary goal of interest groups

Which statement about lobbyists is most accurate

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What interest groups attempts to influence public policy at the international level

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between the national state and local levels of political parties

What is the primary goal of interest groups

Which statement about lobbyists is most accurate

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What interest groups attempts to influence public policy at the international level

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between the national state and local levels of political parties

What is the primary goal of interest groups

Which statement about lobbyists is most accurate

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