

History of the United States

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Jerrold Quitzon

Lvl 13
2y ago
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People came west in 1800s in search for

Cheap land and a new life.

How did the interstate commerce act 1887 help farmers

It prevented railroads from charging farmers more than other customers.

Unlike the populists the progressives focused on what

the urban poor

What was one important goal of Jane Addams ad other members of hull house

To reduce regulations on buisness

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What did the progressives support

In what year did Jane Adams found Hull House

Which group was likely to have received land provided under the Homestead Act

What was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago

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What did the progressives support

In what year did Jane Adams found Hull House

Which group was likely to have received land provided under the Homestead Act

What was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago

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What did the progressives support

In what year did Jane Adams found Hull House

Which group was likely to have received land provided under the Homestead Act

What was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago

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Who were the first progressives

In what year did Jane Adams found Hull House

What was a political goal for farmers in the 1800s

Which group was likely to have received land provided under the Homestead Act

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