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Lavonne Mraz

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The shadow zone exists because

the mantle and core are composed of different material

P waves refract as they travel through Earth. The shadow zone exists because of seismic waves. The shadows show when the earth spins around.

When rocks stack up on each other what type of metamorphism can occur

Regional metamorphism can occur.

What depositional environments is coal formed in

A swamp

If the birthrate is 10 per 1000 and the death rate is 10 per 1000 then the growth rate is

If the birthrate is 10 per 1000 and the death rate is 10 per 1000 then the growth rate is zero.

Are freshwater habitats independent of terrestrial habitats

No, freshwater habitats are not independant of terrestrial habitats.

What statement describes negative population growth

More people die than are born during a given period is a statement that describes negative population growth. The statement describes negative population in Western Europe.

What is the term that describes the size of a population that can be supported by a given ecosystem

Carrying Capacity

Which of the following is not a metamorphic agent

Force of Hurricane winds

Glacial meltwater

All of the following are ways sedimentary form except

Lava cooling

Based on the information in the graph which region's population currently growing the least

Africa -apex

The graph below shows the population of mice in an ecosystem where the mice are not allowed to enter or leave. Which best describes the population at point C

The birthrate is higher than the death rate (APEX)

Which of the following is a benefit of using dams as a source of freshwater

dams help control floodwater

Which population is most likely to have exponential growth

The mold growing in a moist bathroom that is never cleaned

which would most likely increase the carrying capacity for humans in a certain region ( apex )

crops that grow more reliably

What concept of “contained in” includes which of the following Select ALL the correct responses

Select ALL the correct responses. The concept of “contained in” includes which of the following?

  • No additional interpretation or analysis is needed to determine the classification of the information.
  • Classified information is not clearly or explicitly stated in the source document.
  • Classified information comes from an authorized source into a new document.
  • A reader can deduce the classified information by performing additional interpretation or analysis.
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Igneous rocks are classified based upon their what

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Igneous rocks are classified based upon their what

Which of the following is NOT a sedimentary structure Ripple marks Magma emplacement Mud cracks or Cross beds

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When rocks stack up on each other what type of metamorphism can occur

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What is the mechanical layer of Earth that has the most active convection currents

The shadow zone exists because

What best describes Earth's north magnetic pole

Which is a method that scientists use to determine the composition of Earth's layers

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