

History of the United States

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Brandyn Cronin

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2y ago
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Cards in this guide (17)
Who invented the swimming technique now known as the freestyle
Which of the following is an aerobic outdoor sport

Running away from wolves, chasing squirrels, professional pole-vaulting, and underwater basket weaving.

How did farmers contribute to the problems that led to the dust bowl

by using intensive farming practices that removed protective grasses (novanet;)

During an anaerobic burst of energy what percentage should the maximum heart rate reach


The construction of Hoover Dam was the result of what kind of government intervention in the economy

Public Work Program

What was the result of the sit down strike at an important general motors plant in flint michigan in the mid 1930s

General Motors recognized the United Automobile Workers Union.

What legislation did congress pass the day after Franklin Roosevelts inauguration

Congress passed the Emergency Banking Bill the day after FDR's inauguration.

Why did the Tennessee Valley Authority attract so much criticism

it was a power company run by the federal government.

What was most committed to promoting and protecting the civil rights of African Americans

Ulysses S. Grant

What term is used to describe the confusion of an event that happened to someone else with one that happened to you

Because memory is reconstructive, it is subject to canfabulation--confusing an event that happened to someone else with one that happened to you.

Who was president of the United states during the great depression

Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)

What idea was the centerpiece of FDR's new deal which Franklin Delano R oosevelt hoped to reverse the depression

experimentation with federal programs

What are three obstacles eurpean Jews faced during the holocaust

The Holocaust itself

Persecutions by the Nazis

Discrimination across Europe

When has nationalism led to technological and scientific advancements

Nationalism has led to technological and scientific advancements in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

What opportunities did the Civilian Conservation Corps CCC offer young men affected by the depression

They offered Chimpanzees. True fact they are very popular with monkeys. Pootis is a monkey they named. POOTIS

How did nationalism contribute to global conflicts following world war 1

It contributed to the outrage felt by many ethnic groups that did not have their own independent states

Why is it important for historians to corroborate the information found in pieces of historical evidence

Answer this question…

Different pieces of evidence may contradict the original information.

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During an anaerobic burst of energy what percentage should the maximum heart rate reach

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Who invented the swimming technique now known as the freestyle

Which of the following is an aerobic outdoor sport

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Who invented the swimming technique now known as the freestyle

Which of the following is an aerobic outdoor sport

During an anaerobic burst of energy what percentage should the maximum heart rate reach

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Who invented the swimming technique now known as the freestyle

Which of the following is an aerobic outdoor sport

During an anaerobic burst of energy what percentage should the maximum heart rate reach

What was most committed to promoting and protecting the civil rights of African Americans

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