

Industrial Revolution

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Micaela Wilkinson

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Who was for capitalism

capitalism was expressed in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (1776)

What did Adam smith said real wealth of a nation was measured by what


How was the process of industrialization similar in China and Russia

Industrialization in both China and Russia was guided by the government.

What was one major difference between the Commercial Revolution and the Industrial Revolution

The Commercial Revolution led to the adoption of mercantilism in Europe, while the Industrial Revolution contributed to the end of mercantilism.

According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau individuals participating in a social contract give up their

The general will - apex (;

Who formed part of the middle class after the adoption of capitalism

Doctors, bank clerks, and accountants

What statement best describes John Locke's view of human nature

Humans are neither good nor evil, but share a set of natural rights and needs.

Which event was a consequence of the enlightenment

French citizens rebelled against the French monarchy and establish a representative form of government. :)

How did James Watt help fuel industrialization in Great Britan

He invented the Watt Steam Engine, which was dramatically more efficient than its predecessors and made industrialization easier and more cost effective.

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In 1946 the united nations and the western allies forced the soviet union to withdraw from

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