

Books and Literature

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Jerald Orn

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What is a narrative passage

A narrative passage is when you are telling a story. However, you are not in the story as a character.

What is the ideal gas constant

It is a universal constant used for all gases.

Example of methaphor in the sentence

what are example of metaphor

Which word describes this tone of passage clement was despicable no fouler being existed or would exist he was a monster

Condemning describes the tone of this passage.

Who is Quoetotai in The Way to Rainy Mountain

He is a warrior in a Kiowa myth.

What this passage most clearly reveal about Kiowa values

Non-Kiowas are presumed to be enemies-Apex :)

What is tai-me

A feathered doll-like creature with the feet of a deer

What is one way in which Elenita's mother in Gravity tries to express her expectations for her daughter

She mentions the green taffeta dress hanging in Elenita's closet.

Which line from Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain most clearly uses figurative language

I remember the sound of her glad weeping and the water-like touch of her hand

What aspect of this story most clearly defines it as a myth

The story teaches a lesson.

In what way does this passage fit the definition of a myth

It features an animal as a character. - APEX

According to myth how does the grandmother spider help the twins escape from the giant

teaches them a phrase that keeps the giants smoke above their eyes

What best describes the intended aesthetic impact of this excerpt

By Hazel's forgetting why she had been crying, the author leaves the reader feeling unsatisfied.

What is the best example of a narrative

The Epic of Gilgamesh

Apex :)

In "A Raisin in the Sun" which character best represents the theme of achieving success in a conventional way




Which tone best matches the personal narrative sections of The Way to Rainy Mountain

Reflective and Descriptive



which phrase best describes a quality of postmodernism

Blurring fact and fiction to find an underlying truth

What idea is explored in Imbolos Mbue's novel behold of dreamers

The American Dream

To where did the 1830 Indian Removal Act forcibly relocate American Indians

West of the Mississippi

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What is a narrative passage

Example of methaphor in the sentence

What can Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain best be described as

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What is a narrative passage

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What can Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain best be described as

What is an area of land where the US government forced American Indians to live

What is tai-me

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20 cards

What is a narrative passage

What is the ideal gas constant

Example of methaphor in the sentence

What is 'quiz' when translated from English to Italian

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