


User Avatar

Alek Batz

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What is a typical example

A typical example is something that is the most likely scenario or outcome. The outcome would not be distinct or unique in any way.

What is the biggest crime against religion

the biggest crime against religion is defacing property i think anyone have a better answer

What theory suggests that deviant self concepts are formed as a result of individuals being defined as deviant

labeling theory

Who used the term life chances to describe the consequences of social stratification

__________ used the term life chances to describe the consequences of social stratification on one's life.

What way were karl marx and charles wright mills alike in their thinking and understanding of society

A. They both used macro-level approaches in their studies :)

What are examples of using the sociological perspective

Understanding that individuals' choices are affected by society

Which is an example of a social context that may affect a person's behavior

living in a rural society.

Which concept is stressed by symbolic interactionists

the world is full of meaning

What must be present in order to say that sociological findings are based on empirical research

verifiable facts


What do sociologists investigate

Common behavior patterns

Connections between people

Reasons for group decisions

Which characteristic is traditionally associated with femininity


Which has been a major goal of the feminist movement

To change social patterns of inequality.

What are the specializations of sociology
Is Frankenstein a good example of man versus society

Yes. Frankenstein is a good example of man versus society.

What is the primary purpose of questionnaires and interviews

What is the primary purpose of questionnaires and interviews? A. To obtain information from people B. To solve problems for societies C. To make a person feel that something is wrong D. To prevent change from happening in societies

Besides parents level of education and the ranking of the school a person attends what else constitutes a persons socioeconomic status

Family income

The economy is considered a social institution because it is

a basic way that society meets peoples needs

which of the following is an example of a caravan

a group of people who travel to trade goods.

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