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Yes, you could be

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Q: Are you pregnant if your period stopped on the third day of your period when they last 7 days you had unprotected sex?
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Could I get pregnant if my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex on the third day of my period and now my period is lighter even if he pulled out?

yes, it is possible. get a pregnancy test.

Could you be pregnant if you started spotting in the middle of the third week of your cycle and you had unprotected sex in the second week and didn't change your patch on the day you were supposed to?

I had unprotected sex three times in a row and didn't change the patch when I was supposed to and also had unprotected sex after I was supposed to change the patch and didn't get pregnant. I was on it for 3 months at that time. The spotting will turn into you period, at least mine did. Good luck It is possible. If your period doesn't come take a test. Even if it is negative use contraception next month. Be more careful next time.

Say you got your period on the third and it left on the seventh and you had unpotected sex on the 11th could you get pregnant?

there are 100 % chances of you getting pregnant.

If period can on heavy 2 days then go off light in the third do that mean your pregnant?

No, experiencing heavy flow for 2 days followed by light flow on the third day does not necessarily indicate pregnancy. Changes in menstrual flow can be influenced by various factors such as hormonal fluctuations, stress, diet, or changes in exercise routine. If you suspect pregnancy, consider taking a pregnancy test for confirmation.

What if you missed your period for two months than the third month it came?

Than there is a possibility that you are pregnant.. You should go and get tested.

Ive only been on the birth control pill for 4 days and after the third day you and your boyfriend had unprotected sex how likely is it im pregnant?

Birth control pills are not effective until you have used them for 7 days. Thus, your chances of being pregnant are the same as if you were not on birth control at all.

Is it safe to do unprotected sex on third day of periods?

It's NEVER safe to have unprotected sex. Use some form of contraception, risking it isn't worth it.

Can you your period when your pregent?

Find out why it's not possible to have your period when you're pregnant and why some women do have the third & sixth link on: you miscarry you would get your period, but with pregnancies there can be spotting that can sometimes resemble a normal period.If you are bleeding and you are pregnant then go to the doctor. [Unless it is just very little spotting]

You took 3 pregnancy test and the third one you took this morning came out positive but you got your period?

As you have got your period , the chances of being pregnant are less. I suggest that you wait for the period next month to confirm it for once and for all.

Dose it count as sex if you dont have your period?

First, "sex" IS sex, no matter the kind of sex or how long each sexual incident is. Second, any sexual act which puts the penis near or into the vagina is enough to cause pregnancy. Third, even if a teen or woman has no period (even for months), she CAN still get pregnant. The more irregular the periods, the less a woman knows for sure when she is ovulating. A woman can ovulate and still miss a period. But it only takes ONE egg and ONE feisty sperm to join and create a pregnancy. Do NOT believe anyone who tells you that if you don't have (regular) periods that you can't get pregnant-- you CAN! And very, very young girls CAN get pregnant in the weeks right before her very first period. So, don't risk unprotected sex just because you have not had a first or had a repeating period (menstrual flow).

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third period

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the third crusade started in 1189 and stopped, or finished, in 1192