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No, a urinary track infection doesn't stop you from having menstrual periods. Menstruation is controlled by your menstrual cycle, hormonal changes throughout your reproductive organs, it has absolutely nothing to do with your urinary tract or bladder.

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9y ago

Uterus infections can stop your period until you get rid of the infection. You should seek advice from your physician if you think you have an infection.

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Q: Does a UTI stop you from having menstrual periods?
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Will a UTI cause menstrual to stop?

No, a urinary tract infection will not cause menstruation to stop. Menstruation is controlled by your menstrual cycle and the hormones related to your reproductive organs. A urinary tract infection has absolutely nothing to do with your reproductive organs or menstrual cycle.

Brown discharge 2 days before regular periods can be pregnant?

No. It means that you have a uti

How can buko juice can cure uti?

buco juice cleanse our kidney and prevent us from having uti

When your menstrual cycle is occurring are you still protected when taking the 28 day pill?

Yes you are but intercourse during the menstrual period has a high risk of UTI or yeast infection if you don't use a condom.

Is it bad being pregnant and having a UTI?

Yes, go to the doctor.

If you have a UTI will that prevent you from getting your period?

No itwill not stop the period , it is there for a another purpose.

Can you get eatten out while having a uti?

Yes, but you may find it less comfortable.

What are pregnancy symptoms Can you have uti for a symptoms become pregnant?

Breast changes,fatigue, nausea and missed periods are theearly symptoms of pregnancy.

When having a uti do you have an odor?

Some of the bacteria that cause UTI will give a strong, unpleasant odor to the urine. In addition, trichomoniasis, which can cause sypmtoms similar to UTI, causes a foul vaginal odor. See your health care provider for appropriate testing and treatment.

Does Having a UTI affect your chances of getting pregnant?

It can but the likelyhood is probably very low. You should treat it right away though as UTI's have been linked to miscarriage if left untreated.

Can having UTI give negative pregnancy results?

No, UTIs do not affect the accuracy of pregnancy tests.

You are 5 days overdue for your period and you now have a UTI could you be pregnant?

It is possible that pregnancy took place given the 5 days overdue. Having a UTI does not mean one is pregnant, although the risk for a UTI is increased during pregnancy. It is a matter of association, but not causality.