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You can change the time your period comes the following month if you are on certain types of Birth Control. For example, finishing a pack of birth control pills early will make your period come earlier the next month.

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Q: Can you change the time your period comes the following month?
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If a woman gets two periods will she miss a period the following month?

A women is supposed to have only one period every month, so if she has two in a month which is rare the chances are that she may not have a period the following month.

You had your period for the month of July and no period for the month of August then it comes September without no sex in volves can your hormones change your cycle?

Periods can be irregular, especially in younger women. Hormones control your cycle.

If had your period the 20th of last month when is it possible to have it this month?

eighteen the following month

How do you get on your period?

it just comes once a month

What if you forget when you started your period?

You wait until the following month.

Can you get pregnant if you had intercourse one week after your period with no protection but got your period the following month?

If you get your period you aren't pregnant.

What does it mean when you have 2 periods in one month and not a period the following month?

You probally just have eregular periods its ok.

Last month your period came 5 days late and lasted its normal 4 days but this month it hasn't came yet why does it do that?

Not necessarily. Sometimes stress or other underlying issues can cause you to miss a period. You should take a pregnancy test to be sure. If it comes up negative, wait a while and see if you get your period next month. If you do not get your period the following month, or if the pregnancy test comes up positive then you should go see an OB-GYN.

What does it mean when your period comes two times?

It means that you had your period twice. You're supposed to menstruate around every month.

If you skip the sugar pills in your birth control pack and start up a new pack will you skip your period for that month or the following month?

You will not have a period the week you would otherwise have taken your sugar pills. It should be normal the next month.

What happens when you have your period for 4 days and your 10 years old?

You just have your period on for a short time. But also can have on for a long time to. Your period cycle can change ever month. And you also sop to have it ever month.

When do you have period?

Your period can come at anytime that is why it is always a good idea to have pads or tampons handy. Haveing your period does not mean that you have to be mature it is just a change that happens to every growing female. Periods can cause moodiness,cramps,bloating,headaches,ect. Your period comes every month for about 5 days or more. Sometimes you don't have your peirod you can pregnant or ethier just very stressed so it wont come that month but don't worry it will be there next month to give you what you missed.