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Having a previous miscarriage wouldn't change the outcome of a pregnancy test.


It may actually read a positive result if you miscarried early enough before. The length depends on how long you were pregnant. This is because your hormone levels are dropping but still exist; therefor a + reading will show up.

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8y ago
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17y ago

I hade a miscarage when i was 18 and i didn't even know i was pregnant until i went to the gyno the next day. it didn't show up in my urine sample but it was very prominent in my blood sample. i hope that helps :)

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17y ago

If you started to bleed and passed some clots over a few days it would take a few weeks for your HCG (pregnancy hormone that pregnancy tests pick up) to drop back down to undetectable levels. If you start to bleed and are pregnant, go to your doctor right away. Good Luck.

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15y ago

Yes. This is because it takes a while for your hCG levels (the hormone detected by home pregnancy tests) to drop low enough to show a negative, especially if you were very far along. If you think you are having miscarriage contact your doctor right away and go the the ER.

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17y ago

I guess it depends how long after a miscarriage you test. But I have read that you will remain with a positive up to nine weeks after a miscarriage... but many times not that long.

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12y ago

yes because during a miscarriage you loose your child (fetus) due to a complication to you or the child.

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Q: Can you have symptoms of miscarriage but the home pregnancy said positive?
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Can a home pregnancy test show up positive after a miscarriage?

Yes. It can take several weeks for the hCG to clear from the body. It depends what stage of pregnancy you were at.

You just started having symptoms of a miscarriage but the home pregnancy test says negative.Could you really be having a miscarriage?

if only just pregnant then yes it wouldn't show up on a test

After a miscarriage and home test is still positive is it possible that you are still pregnant?

Wait a few weeks to take a pregnancy test after a miscarriage. It will take a while for the pregnancy hormone to get out of your system, so a test will show up positive even if you are not pregnant. Hope this helps. And I am sorry for your loss.

Will a home pregnancy test still be positive if you have a miscarriage?

Yes it takes a few weeks until the hormones goes back to normal.

If you still have a positive pregnancy test a week after a suspected miscarriage what does this mean?

It means that there is still the presence of the pregnancy hormone (hCG). Home pregnancy tests give positive results when they detect the presence of hCG. It can take days to several weeks for a woman's hCG levels to return to baseline after a miscarriage; it all depends on how far along she was. Taking home pregnancy tests in the first few weeks after a miscarriage is not a reliable way to check for pregnancy because of all of the false negative results, due to the lingering pregnancy hormone in the woman's system.

How common is it to have pregnancy symptoms before a positive test result like mild back and tummy cramps?

Yes, it is possible to have pregnancy symptoms before a positive HOME test. Even through home pregnancy test are better now than years ago, they are not fool proof. The best way to get a true result is to go to the doctor.

Is there any chance you are not pregnant even though you missed your period and have pregnancy symptoms and two positive home pregnancy tests?

No. Go to your doctor and find out what you want to do.

Can you still be positive on a home pregnancy 2 weeks after miscarriage?

Yes, it can take a few weeks for the hormones to go back to normal. Of course if you know you've had unprotected sex there is a risk for a new pregnancy.

Can positive pregnancy tests means something other then pregnancy?

Yes, home pregnancy tests can produce both false positives and false negatives. If a home pregnancy test is positive, you should see a gynecologist to have the pregnancy confirmed as soon as you can.

Can you get pregnant when your tube is tide after it been 5 years?

It's rare but it can and does happen.There is an estimated 2% failure rate for tubal legations. You are however at a higher risk for ectopic pregnancy so if you have a positive home pregnancy test or have side or abdominal pain, shoulder pain, bleeding, or any miscarriage symptoms contact your dr or go to the ER immediately.

What if you have no symptoms of pregnancy but high hCG levels?

How do you know your HCG levels are high? It is not unusual to be pregnant and not have any symptoms. If you have a positive home pregnancy test you should assume you are pregnant and see a doctor. HCG is most commonly associated with pregnancy, but could indicate other health issues if it is elevated outside of pregnancy.

What is the sign of 2month pregnant miscarriage?

First off if you think you are having a miscarriage you should contact your Dr right away. Symptoms may include : Heavy bleeding, bright red bleeding, passing of clots and/or tissue, cramping, back pain, sudden stop of pregnancy symptoms, and home pregnancy test going from positive to negative. You should go to the ER right away if you have any sever bleeding, shoulder pain, smelly/yellow/green discharge, fever, blurred vision, or fainting as these all could be signs of something much more serious.