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Yes it does, and it rots the lining of your stomach so badly it will ulcerate and cause excruciating pain.

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Q: Does anorexia and bulimia make your stomach smaller?
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Anorexia or Bulimia

What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia?

ana- when a person is not making themselves eat NOTHING like a life stye choice.ana will make u crazy bcus u dont eat at all and your body starts to get moody bul-when a person eats until full and throws it up,making their minds think they ate but yet have an empty stomach.

Can specialist make you to go to treatment center for bulimia?

They can't make you but I think we both know that you really should (my sister suffered from anorexia only a year ago and has only been Okay for about 3 months).

What can you do to make your stomach look smaller?

Do Exercise daily half an hour...

Is bulimia nervosa another term for a binge eating disorder?

No. Bulimia it self is a eating disorder, while the symptoms are the same. They both usually starve themselves, but if a bulimic eats one or a few more bites of something, he/she will go and purposefully make themselves vomit.

Will eating smaller meals shrink your stomach?

Eventually, yes.Our bodies are very good at adapting to what we ask of them, so if you consistently eat small meals over a time, your stomach will eventually adjust to a smaller size.No it will only make your indegesting smaller.

When you have bulimia but you dont make yourself throw up you just do does it affect you?

yes, it is still the same concept. still throwing up. still stomach acid burning your throat. yes, it does effect you.

What is worse bulimia or anorexia?

anorexic is nor worse or any better because you see you self as being fat when your not and when you have bulimic your not making your self puke you just do it and its one of those things that you can not help and what is also very bad desorder is binge eating you sould never feel sorry about eating a hole lot then making your self puke and its just not right if you know so body like this at least call the hot line number and make this world a bit more heathyer and cleaner !!!!!!!!!!

How do stomach stapling and gastric bands compare as weight loss solutions?

Restrictive operations make the stomach smaller. With a smaller stomach, you will feel full a lot quicker than you are used to. This means that you will need to make big lifelong changes in how you eat-including smaller portion sizes and different foods-in order to lose weight. The most common restrictive surgery is adjustable gastric banding.

Can bulimia make you stop having periods?

If you are losing weight due to bulimeia, then yes. Rapid or sudden weight loss can cause your body to stop producing proper amounts of hormones and this chnage or stop you from getting your epriod altogether. Also, if you aren't getting enough nutirents (or are throwing it all back up), then your body might not be able to produce what is nessesecary to have your period.

Can bulimia make you cold all the time?

Bulimia itself will not make you cold. A result of bulimia, however, is the loss of body fat. Without enough fat on the body, a person is prone to becoming cold much mroe easily.