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Q: Does blood sugar rise or fall during intense exercise?
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If blood sugar is spiking can you do anything about it?

An intense and vigorous exercise will "eat up" the excess glucose

Why do we feel hungry or hungrier after exercise?

During exercise the body depletes its glucose reserves and blood sugar levels fall.

How does exercise lower blood sugars?

Exercise requires and uses up energy. The sugar/carbohydrates in your body/blood is converted to energy for this. This removes blood sugar from your system lowering blood sugar.

What can cause dizziness brought on by heat and or exercise?

Dizziness brought on by heat or exercise can be caused by dehydration and/or low blood sugar. (Since this was originally put in the Migraine category, I will also answer that both dehydration as well as low blood sugar can trigger migraines, and migraines can cause dizziness. Also, there is something known as Exercise Induced Headache, whereby just by doing exercise can trigger an intense headache. Dizziness may be a part of that headache as well.)

Diabetes Testing During Exercise?

If you use insulin to control your diabetes, it is very important to have diabetes testing supplies available at all times. You should check your blood sugar frequently during exercise to avoid unexpected lows.

What factors cause fatigue from prolonged exercise?

The evidence Fatigue during prolonged exercise is definitely associated with depletion of glycogen stored in the liver (causing hypoglycaemia - low blood sugar) or in the muscles

What is the risk of exercise with diabetes?

Exercise calls upon blood sugar resources, and also causes the body to release and consume more blood sugar. This means that it can cause blood glucose levels to rise OR to fall OR not to change much, depending on the individual and sometimes the circumstances. Since diabetics need to be able to predict and control their blood sugar, unpredictable bouts of exercise can lead to unusually low or high blood sugar. Keeping exercise predictable and routine, and knowing their own body's reaction to it, is the best answer for a diabetic.

Why does exercise have an insulin-like effect?

Exercise lowers blood sugar in a similar way to insulin, as the body uses the sugar in respiration, allowing the body to move, enabling its participation in exercise.

What is the relationship between exercise and diabetes?

Since diabetes increases a person's risk of heart disease, and exercise strengthens a person's hear and lowers their blood sugar, exercise can improve a person's health who has diabetes and help them to maintain a good blood sugar level.

Why does blood sugar level go up after exercise?

exercise stimulates the major organs to function properly

Aerobic exercise increases the body's consumption of which of these?

Aerobic exercise increases the body's consumption of oxygen.

How do you less weight?

exercise more . . . walking, jogging, jazzercise, working out in the gym . . . along with cutting most of the sugar out of your diet. (Don't totally quit eating sugar - if you do, you can develop an intense craving for it.)