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It does not trigger epilepsy, but a low blood glucose does cause seizures. The seizures stop once the blood sugar is returned to normal.

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Q: Does lack of glucose in the brain trigger epilepsy?
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What are the disordes of the nervous system?

One of the nervous system disorders is Epilepsy which causes seizures when there is a lack of glucose and oxygen in the brain. Others include: Alzheimer's disease Bell's palsy Cerebral palsy

Can syncope cause seizures?

Syncope is a loss of consciousness or fainting, sometimes caused by lack of oxygen to the brain, but is different to Epilepsy. Seizures in Epilepsy are caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. So Syncope would not be a cause of seizures.

How is the epilepsy acquired?

it sometimes might run in the family or it could be the result of some type of head injury or lack of oxygen to the brain during the time of birth

Do diabetics lack glucose?

No they lack insulin in the pancreas

How much oxygen and glucose can the brain store for emergency situations?

The brain cannot store oxygen. A person can feel a lack of oxygen after only a few seconds. When someone stands up too quickly and becomes dizzy, this is an example of the loss of blood flow to the brain that can be sensed.The brain cannot store glucose (blood sugar). Diabetics who give themselves too much insulin can drop their blood sugar level and faint, and without immediate glucose infusion the brain can die.

How do you get rid of your epilepsy?

i have found that epilepsy in kids can be related to fat allergy. sulfur deficiency can lead to fat allergy. lack of nutrients absorption causes some changes in brain and chemical communication therefore epilepsy seizure shows up again. we need to increase food intakes with mineral sulfur ingredients such as BEET , onion, cranberries , eggs

What can trigger a seizure in a person with epilepsy?

Epilepsy is not a specific illness, but more a general term for people who tend to have seizures. A seizure is as a result of an increased amount of electrical activity in the brain. There are different forms of epilepsy and different people have different triggers for their seizures. Something that may trigger epilepsy in one person might have no affect on another person. You often hear that flashing lights, strobe lights etc. cause epileptic seizures. That only has the potential to trigger a seizure with people who have what is called photosensitive epilepsy. Other people who have epilepsy have abslolutely no porblems with flashing lights. For other people it could be tiredness or stress for example. Some may have epilepsy after receiving a head injury, like if they had been in a car accident. There are many other reasons. For some it isn't even certain what causes their seizures.

How does drip of glocose help patient to recover?

glucose in the body is maintained at a constant level. When there is a depletion in this level, a person can go unconscìous because of inadequate glucose supply to the brain. Administration of glucose increase glucose supply to the brain and recover such patients.

How does lack of oxygen to the brain cause seizures?

The brain needs oxygen in order to function. A lack of oxygen to the brain can cause brain damage. Brain damage can result in seizures.

How do you get a retarded brain?

You were either born with it (due to genetics), or you have suffered some kind of brain injury as a result of trauma or lack of Oxygen. Even people with dementia and Traumatic Brain Injury later in life can resemble someone who's "retarded". Personally, I prefer the term "mentally disabled".

Why do humans need carbahydrates?

Your brain requires an uninterupted flow of oxygen and blood glucose to function. The brain needs large amounts of the sugar, glucose, which is its primary energy source. The mature, healthy, mammalian brain uses only glucose to obtain energy. A second function is the breakdown of glucose contributing to the formation of the neurotransmitters. The carbohydrates we use as foods have their origin in the photosynthesis of plants. They take the form of sugars, starches, and cellulose. The best source of glucose is carbohydrates (another source is protein). If you do not eat carbohydrates you will, usually, not have enough glucose. If you do not have glucose your brain begins to starve. When your brain is starving you do not think clearly and everything becomes secondary to a sugar source to your glucose starved brain. Lack of glucose energy to the brain can cause symptoms ranging from headache, mild confusion, and abnormal behavior, to loss of consciousness, seizure, and coma. Severe hypoglycemia [low blood sugar (low glucose)] can cause death. Not all carbohydrates are the same, some are simple sugars like monosaccharides or disaccharides while some are complex carbohydrates like starches or polysaccharides. A simple sugar like sucrose or table sugar is made up of glucose and fructose. It is disaccharide composed of two monosaccharides. Starches are polymers, long repeating chains, of glucose. Plants convert excess glucose into starch for storage. Starch is hundreds to thousands of glucose units long. This is why we eat things like wheat, corn or potatoes, they offer a large slowly digestible source of glucose that is a necessity to us. "Glucose is the major substrate that sustains normal brain function. When the brain glucose concentration approaches zero, glucose transport across the blood-brain barrier becomes rate limiting for metabolism during, for example, increased metabolic activity and hypoglycemia." "Although insulin is not supposed to play a role in the brain, recent evidence in both lab animals and humans suggests that the hormone may be needed for normal brain functions, including learning and memory; if so, defects in the brain's ability to use insulin could lead to anything from mild memory loss to Alzheimer's disease. The idea is still controversial, however, partly because no one yet knows exactly how insulin might affect brain neurons. Some researchers suggest that the hormone chaperones glucose to brain neurons and thereby helps them maintain their energy production, in which case, memory loss might result when brain cells lack insulin and become glucose starved. Others hypothesize that insulin has other beneficial roles, such as spurring neuronal growth and inhibiting the formation of brain lesions called neurofibrillary tangles that characterize Alzheimer's. If insulin's role in cognition can be pinned down, though, the work might one day point the way to drugs that could reduce memory loss in both Alzheimer's and normal aging."

What are some causes of epilepsy?

There is no single cause. Epilepsy is a name for a broad category of causes of seizures or fits or convulsions. What causes seizures differs for different people. Some things that causes a seizure for one person may have no effect on another. Common causes can be tiredness, stress, a brain injury, flashing lights, hunger, alcohol and many other things.