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No it wont dilate the cervix because it is not true labor.
Your Cervix
No, the cervix dilates.
Before a baby can pass through the cervix, it must first dilate and efface.
No it doesn't hurt in fact you can't tell if it is dilated.
It is possible that your cervix will never dilate and therefore you need to have a c-section.
Prostaglandin E2, which softens the cervix so it can dilate or open in preparation for childbirth.
Cervix has got a opening it it. Cervix is a sphincter. Normally it is in contracted stage. At the time of the delivery the cervix needs to be dilated slowly and progressively. The uterus goes on contracting and retracting. The whole baby has to pass through the dilated cervix in order to get the baby delivered. Normal delivery is not possible with out the cervix getting dilated.
The semen does help to dissolve the mucus plug.
Maybe. The baby's head pushing against the cervix is what helps it dilate.
When women are about to give birth the cervix, or opening to the uterus or womb, dilates. This is a gradual stretching of the opening as the baby is pushed outward. The amount of dilation is often used as a measure of progress of labour. The cervix has to dilate about 10 cm before the baby can pass through.
My cervix was unable to dilate after 9 hours of hard labor. I was induced and the doctors told me that they had the pitocin level as high as they could put it without rupturing my uterus. My doctor told me that I didn't dilate because I have a condition where my cervix is tightly knit together with something similar to scar tissue. I have never had any cervical trauma to induce this. My doctor told me that it is hereditary. I am adopted so do not know if my birth mother experienced this as well.