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the the first couple of months probably round 3 or 4 months your belly line will become daker

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Q: How many months of pregnancy will stomach start to grow?
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How early along in a pregnancy does the stomach begin to grow?

The stomach is the organ which is the primary digester of food. It does not grow during pregnancy.

Why does baby not grow in their mother's stomach during pregnancy?

Babies grow in the uterus, not the stomach. Otherwise they would be digested.

Can your stomach grow in a month?

Yes, your stomach can grow in one month. If you are already fat before pregnancy you will gain weight immediately. You can show during your second month.

How much time does it takes for your belly to grow in pregnancy?

6 months

When does your stomach get bigger during pregnancy?

your tummy will start to grow noticeably in your second trimester(4 to 6mnths), and onwards. but remember all pregnancies are not the same, just relax and enjoy!!!!!

How big will one's stomach grow when 9 weeks pregnant?

Every pregnancy is different. Therefore, the size of a womens' belly while pregnant differs, by pregnancy and by women. Around nine weeks, some women might start showing.

How long are white tigers pregnancy?

it is about 2 months for the baby to grow inside the female cat. it will grow inside the stomache for it to grow

How long are puppies in there mothers bellies?

The length of pregnancy is approximately 58-63 days. And referring to the Other answer, it is called a Womb not a wound. they stay in the wound for about three months have fun with your puppies toodles

What makes tummy to grow bigger?

- overeating - drinking soda gets air in your stomach - slow metabolism - eating unhealthy - pregnancy

How do bobcats grow up?

When bobcats grow up they leave there perents when they are 4 months old. Beacuse when they are 4 months old they start hunting by there self.

What to expect in the second trimester of a pregnancy?

In the second trimester you can expect that you stomach will continue to grow and expand as your baby grows. You will likely feel kicks, rolls and hiccups and may even start to feel a painless tightening of your stomach. You may also get relief from any nausea and vomitting you had during the first trimester.

When baby is born?

After 9 months in the mothers stomach ,it might not be exactly.Sometimes people are born way before. the 9 months. Babies do NOT grow in the mother's stomach. The stomach is an organ of the digestive system. A baby grows and develops in the mother's uterus, a reproductive organ. Human gestation is approximately 40 weeks, or 10 months after conception.