

Best Answer

- overeating

- drinking soda gets air in your stomach

- slow metabolism

- eating unhealthy

- pregnancy

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Q: What makes tummy to grow bigger?
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What makes you grow bigger and bigger?

you eat healthy food.

Does rubbing keloids makes it grow bigger?

Keloids will grow regardless if you rub them or not.

How does fertilizer affect crops?

It makes them grow bigger or better.

What is the earliest in pregnancy to start getting bigger?

The pregnancy itself does not start showing until around 3 months, but many women have constipation and/or gas which bloats the tummy and makes you look bigger.

Do miracle growth grow bigger than regular fertilizer?

actually it does grow faster but it also makes the plants unhealthy.

When does your stomach get bigger during pregnancy?

your tummy will start to grow noticeably in your second trimester(4 to 6mnths), and onwards. but remember all pregnancies are not the same, just relax and enjoy!!!!!

Does sperms make buttocks bigger?

No, it does not. It only makes your tummy bigger if you get pregnant. :P And if you do get pregnant, your breasts and your butt grow with your tummy...but on its own, nothing of the sort.

Can pushing the tummy make it bigger?

Yes, It does the same with my butt for me!

What happens to boys during puberty 8 ways?

# Grow taller # Grow pubic hair # Grow facial hair # Genitals grow bigger # Voice breaks # Hands & feet grow bigger # Start to produce sweat (smelly) # Head & brain increases in size and makes you clumsy and confused

Why does a vinegar soaked egg lose its shell and grow?

Soaking an egg in vinegar makes the egg either shrink or grow, most likely it will grow. When you put the egg into the vinegar, it has a chemical reaction, which makes it either shrink or grow bigger. Most of the time it will grow bigger, depending on what type of egg you have. It only takes 24 hrs to make the egg grow bigger or shrink, have fun!

How can you make your breasts grow bigger and bigger?

You can't make your breasts grow bigger and faster. Your breasts grow as they are meant to and there is nothing you can do to speed-up that process or make them grow bigger.

Did you come from your mum's tummy?

Yes you did. The tummy is called the abdominopelvic region. And inside there is a special place called a uterus. When a baby develops, it starts out as an embryo implanted in the wall of the uterus. And as it grows mum's tummy gets bigger. Then after about nine months, the baby wants to come out because there is not enough space in her tummy anymore. And then the baby inside, called a fetus, it is delivered through the birth canal out into the world and we have a new baby that will grow into an adult human being.