colon resection or colostomy
Did you mean "colostomy"? If yes, a colostomy is the surgical creation of an opening from the colon through the abdominal wall allowing a passage to empty the contents of the colon.
the colon to divert stool. It is typically done when the colon is not functioning properly or needs time to heal after surgery. A colostomy bag is worn over the stoma to collect waste.
The abdominal cavity will be opened for the removal of the distal part of the colon and the creation of a colostomy. This surgery is typically performed in cases of severe colon disease or obstruction, diverticulitis, or colorectal cancer.
We call this a colostomy. The first part of the word comes from colon as you can imagine and -stom- means mouth or opening. The last part is -my and that means surgery or cutting. Surgery that opens the colon to the outside.
Waste tissues from surgeries and other procedures is incinerated.
It is called colostomy or ileostomy or even gastrostomy dependently where the sack is inserted. Colostomy for the colon, ileostomy for the small intestine or gastrostomy for the stomach.
A colostomy diverts feces from the colon through an opening in the abdomen. It does not involve the ileum or jejunum, as they are part of the small intestine.
Colostomy Bag
It will have trouble absorbing water. If the damage is very bad, then a colostomy would have to be done.