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You must check with your vet first.

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Q: Is it safe to put eye drops in a Siamese cats eyes?
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Is it safe to put eye drops in your Siamese cats eyes?

No - see your veterinarian for professional advice .

How often should I consider safely breeding my Siamese cats?

You should not consider breeding your Siamese cats on your own but hiring a safe breeder is always an option.

Are human eye drops safe for dog's eyes?

I wouldn't risk it if i were you!!!!Go see a Vet!

Can Systane eye drops be used on cats?

It is not advised to use any drug or medicine on pets without veterinary advice. Cats in particular have a number of metabolic pathways that turn things we would consider harmless into toxins.

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Will refresh tears hurt your dogs eye?

You should use eye drops specifically formulated for dogs. Some of the preservatives and other ingredients in human eye drops can be damaging to their eyes. Speak with your veterinarian to find out what brands are safe.

Is docusate sodium safe for cats?

Docusate sodium is safe for cats. It is used as a stool softener in cats that are having trouble with constipation.

Is Propoxur safe for cats?

Propoxur is not safe for cats. The chemical is a household pesticide that is often found in bug killers.

Is spaying cats with lemon juice mixed with water dangerous for them?

do the cats have any cuts on them? if so i would advise to not spray them this will hurt the cuts making them agitated as i know of if it is not in cuts eyes or behind your cat is safe (not sure about drinking)

Is Baby Oil harmful to cats?

I'm no vet but I don't think baby oil is harmful to cats. If its safe on babies it's probably safe on cats.

Is it safe to treat cats with dog flea treatments?

no it is not safe

How do you get around safeeyes?

Go online to google or whatever search engine you use and search how to hack safe eyes, or is it possible to hack safe eyes, OR how to get into safe eyes.