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In early pregnancy, the most common cause of spotting is implantation, which is the egg implanting into your uterus, so spotting is completely normal. You don't need to worry unless the bleeding becomes heavy or it is accompanied with cramps.

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Q: Is red spotting okay beginning of pregnancy?
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Related questions

What colour is spotting during pregnancy?

Spotting can be brown, pink, orange, bright red, dark red, and/or black. It really depends on the reason for the spotting. If you are having spotting of any color or are bleeding heavily you should contact your Dr right away.

What can a red spot of blood you had nearly 2 weeks ago and still have pregnancy symptoms mean?

First of all you should consult your doctor, pain and or heaving bleeding should take you immediately to the emergency room. Some spotting at the beginning of pregnancy is normal.

You had brown spotting for 2 days then on the third day it turned into red spotting and all your pregnancy tests are coming out negative whats going on?

If you have a negative pregnancy test, you are probably not pregnant. What makes you think it's not your period? (ie. did you have a pos pregnancy test earlier?)

Does light pink discharge in early pregnancy mean miscarriage?

Hello. No this doesn't mean its a miscarriage hun. Miscarriage bleeding is usually heavy, red and very painful cramping. Its most likely early pregnancy spotting or spotting due to a UTI.

Is red spotting common early pregnancy?

Spotting in gernal is very common in early pregnany. As the new baby pushes itself into the blood lining of the uterus, the extra blood sometimes comes out in spotting or a very light period

Is Spotting 3 days and red half a day Weird taste in my mouth Upset and stomach cramps a pregnancy symptoms.?


Should you take a pregnancy test if you are spotting?

Spotting is an early sign of pregnancy as it can show that it would either be your hormone cycle triggering bleeding when you period should have been due or that a fertilised egg is embedding into your uterus lining. Spotting is either a light red like your period but can vary up to a brown colour. It is completely normal is pregnancy and is usually the earliest sign, so yes take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant!

Im spotting like brownish and light red while on the depo shot could it be implantation bleeding?

Yes, it could be possible. Mine was bright red at first, but the next few days it turned to brownish-red light spotting. You should take a pregnancy test.

Is light red period blood a sign of pregnancy?

Light red period blood is a sign of a period. Spotting may be a sign of an implantation bleed if very minor.

Is red jellylike spotting common in early pregnancy?

In my experience always get spotting checked out. You'll be told it's common and Might just be a symptom of your pregnancy which can definitely be true, but sometimes it is a sign of something else sadly. The frustrating thing is not doctor or nurse will be total honest with you.

What is the color of the spotting?

i hope this answers your can be light pink or brown, if it is red in anyway tell your doctor immediately!!! spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is common. im 7 weeks and i have been spotting the past 2 days and the doctor told me that it was normal.

Is spotting bright red blood at 6 weeks normal Its only when I wipe?

It can be normal. You should see your doctor for any bleeding during pregnancy.