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There are two types which are convulsive and nonconvulsive.

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Q: What are the different types of status epilepticus?
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What is status epilepticus?

Status epilepticus is a term describing a state of continuous seizure activity.

Why is it important to respond urgently to status epilepticus?

It is crucial to respond urgently to status epilepticus because the longer the seizures continue the more difficult they are to stop.

What causes status epilepticus?

The exact pathophysiology of why a seizure evolves into status is complex and not fully understood. However, status epilepticus has many causes, some of which are the same as causes of seizures in general.

Nursing Case studies on Status epilepticus?

Continuous seizure

What is a life threatning emergency that involves the whole cortex?

status epilepticus

What are the features of non-convulsive status epilepticus?

Non-convulsive status epilepticus can manifest with sustained or repeating complex partial seizures with a change in mental status, or simply as a focal seizure with limited physical signs but without alteration of consciousness.

Can seizures or fits kill people?

Not usually, unless the seizure happens in a dangerous place such as on a road or if the patient falls into a river. Bit there is a condition called "status epilepticus" which can kill someone or cause brain damage. Status Epilepticus is diagnosed when the patient has been having continual fits for more than 10 minutes. This is a medical emergency, and an ambulance must be called.

Can diazepam medicine use in febirle convulsions?

diazepam is an anti epileptic drug... its the drug of choice for status epilepticus. but before taking it,consult your doctor.

Is Status epilepticus an emergency?

yes, status epilepticus is a medical emergency, and you can treat it either by:drug of choice - diazepam, or lorazepam (given intravenously)phenytoin / fosphenytoin (given intravenously)phenobarbitone (given intravenously)these treatments are given as urgent, vigorous, IV and in-patient treatment.But, in severe refractory state, you might also have to give general anesthesia and neuromuscular blockers (curarine derivatives: tubocurarine, succinylcholine)

What is epilepticus?

epilepticus, a life-threatening condition characterized by continuous seizures, sustained loss of consciousness, and respiratory distress

What is sudep?

SUDEP is an acronym for Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy. It is defined as "sudden unexpected, witnessed or unwitnessed, non-traumatic and non-drowning death in an individual with epilepsy, with or without evidence of a seizure and excluding documented status epilepticus where post-mortem examination does not reveal a cause for death".SUDEP is an acronym for Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy. It is defined as "sudden unexpected, witnessed or unwitnessed, non-traumatic and non-drowning death in an individual with epilepsy, with or without evidence of a seizure and excluding documented status epilepticus where post-mortem examination does not reveal a cause for death".SUDEP is an acronym for Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy. It is defined as "sudden unexpected, witnessed or unwitnessed, non-traumatic and non-drowning death in an individual with epilepsy, with or without evidence of a seizure and excluding documented status epilepticus where post-mortem examination does not reveal a cause for death".SUDEP is an acronym for Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy. It is defined as "sudden unexpected, witnessed or unwitnessed, non-traumatic and non-drowning death in an individual with epilepsy, with or without evidence of a seizure and excluding documented status epilepticus where post-mortem examination does not reveal a cause for death".SUDEP is an acronym for Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy. It is defined as "sudden unexpected, witnessed or unwitnessed, non-traumatic and non-drowning death in an individual with epilepsy, with or without evidence of a seizure and excluding documented status epilepticus where post-mortem examination does not reveal a cause for death".SUDEP is an acronym for Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy. It is defined as "sudden unexpected, witnessed or unwitnessed, non-traumatic and non-drowning death in an individual with epilepsy, with or without evidence of a seizure and excluding documented status epilepticus where post-mortem examination does not reveal a cause for death".SUDEP is an acronym for Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy. It is defined as "sudden unexpected, witnessed or unwitnessed, non-traumatic and non-drowning death in an individual with epilepsy, with or without evidence of a seizure and excluding documented status epilepticus where post-mortem examination does not reveal a cause for death".SUDEP is an acronym for Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy. It is defined as "sudden unexpected, witnessed or unwitnessed, non-traumatic and non-drowning death in an individual with epilepsy, with or without evidence of a seizure and excluding documented status epilepticus where post-mortem examination does not reveal a cause for death".SUDEP is an acronym for Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy. It is defined as "sudden unexpected, witnessed or unwitnessed, non-traumatic and non-drowning death in an individual with epilepsy, with or without evidence of a seizure and excluding documented status epilepticus where post-mortem examination does not reveal a cause for death".SUDEP is an acronym for Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy. It is defined as "sudden unexpected, witnessed or unwitnessed, non-traumatic and non-drowning death in an individual with epilepsy, with or without evidence of a seizure and excluding documented status epilepticus where post-mortem examination does not reveal a cause for death".SUDEP is an acronym for Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy. It is defined as "sudden unexpected, witnessed or unwitnessed, non-traumatic and non-drowning death in an individual with epilepsy, with or without evidence of a seizure and excluding documented status epilepticus where post-mortem examination does not reveal a cause for death".

What are the different types of social status?

Some common types of social status include achieved status (based on accomplishments or actions), ascribed status (assigned at birth or through family background), and master status (a primary identity that shapes how others see an individual). These statuses can influence an individual's wealth, power, and opportunities within society.