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Wiping from back to front after a bowel movement is one common cause of a bladder infection. Also, holding in your urine and unprotected sexual intercourse are other common causes of a bladder infection.

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7y ago

common causes are;

advanced age


insufficient fluid intake

surgical procedure within the urinary tract

a urinary catheter

urinary obstruction, which is a blockage in the bladder or urethra

urinary tract abnormality, which is caused by birth defects or injuries

urinary retention, which means difficulty emptying the bladder

narrowed urethra

enlarged prostate

bowel incontinence



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14y ago

if you dont drink water or hold your pee

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Q: What causes bladder infections?
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Causes of bladder infections?

not drinking enough water, not urinating for long periods of time, having a catheter in place, and not fully emptying your bladder

What are the causes of bladder infection?

Causes of bladder infections include E. Coli bacteria, frequent sex, certain spermicides increase the chances of getting one, and using catheters that aren't properly sterilized.

Where can I information on bladder infections and diseases that effect the bladder?

You can find symptoms of Urinary Tract, and Bladder Infections at

What are the symptoms to bladder infections?

Usually, bladder infections symptoms include having to go a lot, but when you try, not much comes out. Bladder infections sometimes has stomach pain, tiredness, and pain when going to the bathroom.

What caues hematuria?

Hematuria is the medical term for Blood in Urine. The common causes of Hematuria are from the bladder, kidney and prostate infections and diseases.

What can cause infections in the urinary tract that causes bladder control problems And how can one prevent this infections?

Germs are what causes infections in the urinary tract. Things that may acerbate this condition are inactivity, pregnancy, diabetes or urinary retention. Being active and keeping the genital area clean are essential in prevention.

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What causes bladder cancer?

Bladder defects from birth. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Chronic bladder infections and irritations. Exposure to certain chemicals. Low fluid consumption. Personal or family history of bladder cancer. Some medications - pioglitazone (Actos) and aristolochic acid. Smoking

What causes bladder infections in women?

Bacteria naturally lives around the opening of the urethra. Friction can cause the bacteria to get brushed into the urethra and the bacteria flourish in the warm, damp, dark space. This causes a UTI.

What can enter the bladder through the urethra and cause infection?

It's filtered out by the kidneys and goes through the ureters down to the bladder.