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As far as I know, all Fairy Tales have sad endings.

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13y ago

The Gift if the Magi is kind of sad. Also movies are like Million Dollar Baby or Titanic.

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Q: What are some fairy tales with sad endings?
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Why every fairy tales ended up a happily ever after?

Its because no one likes a sad ending

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Shakespeare knew that people liked both happy endings and sad ones. That's why he wrote plays with both. The ones with happy endings were comedies and the ones with sad ones were tragedies.

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It depends on personal preference and the context of the story. Happy endings can leave a sense of closure and positivity, while sad endings can be more thought-provoking and impactful. Both types of endings have their own merits and can resonate with different audiences.

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What type of book is The Little Mermaid?

It depends. The original was an exotic fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson. It, of course has a sad ending. The newer versions, mainly by Disney, have happy endings but still retain their exotic fairy tale status. Other categories could include adventure and romance.

What makes a fairy tale a fairy tale?

Contrary to popular belief, most fairy tales do not begin with "once upon a time" or have a happy ending. They are the folklore of many different countries, and are often fables, teaching some kind of lesson. Some are happy, many are sad, and most are ridiculous. However, they are loved by many and cherished tales that are passed down through the generations.

Why do people still believe in fairy tales?

People believe in fairy tales because they offer a sense of wonder, escapism, and comfort. Fairy tales provide a glimpse into a world where anything is possible and good ultimately triumphs over evil, appealing to our innate desire for magic and happy endings. Additionally, fairy tales often contain valuable life lessons and moral teachings that resonate with both children and adults.

Does sad and tack rhymes?

No - Sad and Tack do not rhyme. The endings do not sound like each other, nor are they spelt in the same way. Sad rhymes with bad, mad, lad, glad. Tack rhymes with pack, rack, mac, lack, hack.

What is the possessive noun for plays?

The possessive form of the plural noun plays is plays'.example: His plays' endings are always so sad.

What are types of story resolutions?

Some types of story resolutions include happy endings, sad endings, open endings (leaving room for interpretation), and cliffhangers (leading into a sequel or continuation). The resolution is where loose ends are tied up and the story's outcome is revealed.

Was disney going to use the original sad ending for The Little Mermaid movie?

if you haven't noticed Walt Disney NEVER uses the original sad endings in his films mainly because he wanted them to be happy family movies i guess

What is the falling action of Cinderella?

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