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You could still be pregnant. Light bleeding is common early in pregnancy. Take a test.

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Q: Your period didn't start as normal you had all the pregnancy symptoms. But now at day 37 you have some bleeding Is this just your period late or could you still be pregnant?
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If Bleeding during pregnancy is there symptoms of disability child?

no their is not its normal to blead during pregnancy.

Can you still be pregnant if you have no implantation blood but all other pregnancy symptoms?

Yes. Many women never see any implantation bleeding. This is perfectly normal.

Is it possible to be pregnant and still have your period?

It is possible to experience bleeding during early pregnancy. However a normal period like bleed is usually not related to pregnancy. Yes. though not common, you can still have your period while pregnant. Go to your doctor, health clinic, or take a pregnancy test to confirm. If you are pregnant, you will need prenatal care.

You have all the symptoms of pregnancy but you came on your period could you still be pregnant?

It's complicated, but yes you can bleed during your pregnancy and depending on the situation this can be normal OR abnormal. I would have to know what symptoms of pregnancy you are talking about though. Morning sickness can be caused from nutrient deficiencies or birth control pills, but I would see a doctor if you thought you were pregnant and you were bleeding.

Is brown bleeding for 2 days at my third pregnancy week normal and what are the symptoms?

go to the hospital it could be an ectopic pregnancy

Is it normal to feel pregnant after have Mirena taken out?

Pregnancy symptoms are not a normal side effect of Mirena removal. Take a pregnancy test.

What are the chances of getting your period while actually being pregnant when you have several pregnancy symptoms?

It is possible to have a period like bleed during early pregnancy. But the bleeding is usually light and never a heavy, normal period bleed.

If you have taken two home pregnancy test both positive you have had no bleeding though is this normal?

It is if you are pregnant.

If you breasts are sore could you be pregnant?

Yes you could, you get all the symptoms of a normal pregnancy.

Is it possible to have pregnancy signs and not be pregnant?

Yes. The symptoms can be due to normal illnesses or to hormone fluctuation.

Is it normal to have implantation bleeding with a few pregnancy symptoms and then no symptoms at all but your period is 4 days late?

Hello. Because the bleeding was light there is a small chance you may be pregnant. See your doctor for a blood test.

If you have swollen breasts and some other symptoms of pregnancy but your period came a week late and seems to be normal and your period is over and your breast still hurt can you still be pregnant?

No It couldn't be like having regular menstural flow for normal days and still be pregnant . It is not possible but abrupt bleeding may occur due to some problem in pregnancy and its duration and quantity may vary and have different effect on pregnancy.