Yes Helium is safer than Oxygen, in that it does not feed combustion the way Oxygen does. In fact, a high concentration of Helium will extinguish a fire. BUT … In a closed area, you can suffocate if the concentration of Helium in the air gets too high.
no liquid oxygen is super cold and u can maybe even die if u touch it
If you hyperventilate you are most likely to raise blood oxygen to a level too high for your body to cope with. Breathing into and out of a paper bag will lower your oxygen to safer levels because you are now breathing carbon di-oxide. A few minutes 2/3 only or you will lower oxygen to much.
Oxygen saturation of 92% is considered borderline low, especially in someone with underlying health conditions. Oxygen therapy may be needed to increase the saturation level to a safer range (usually above 94%). It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further assessment and recommendations.
It is safer to leave fireworks in a closed tin box because if it is not the fireworks might be able to catch oxygen and heat so therefor might be able to expload.
Yes, using a cellphone near an oxygen tank can be dangerous as cellphones emit electromagnetic radiation which can potentially ignite an oxygen leak, leading to a fire or explosion. It is safer to keep cellphones at a safe distance from oxygen tanks to prevent any possible accidents.
WPA2 AES is the best bet for SOHO network. You can implement safer method using RADIUS server authentification on enterpise level.
The negative side effects of breathing pure oxygen, such as oxygen toxicity, typically occur after prolonged exposure to high concentrations of oxygen. Pilots use oxygen masks at high altitudes to maintain adequate oxygen levels due to lower oxygen pressure. The short-term use of pure oxygen at high altitudes is safe and essential to prevent hypoxia without negative side effects.
if you had your volume loud it would go louder with a headset in so the reduce the noise to a safer level
Never deprive yourself of oxygen. Oxygen deprivation makes you high by damaging your brain. It's unpredictable and it can kill unexpectedly or leave you temporarily or permanently impaired. The impairment can be gradual and imperceptible or it can happen all at once. You'd be safer smoking crack.
Mostly 'air' is used to pumb up tyres however sometimes nitrogen gas is used as it is deemed safer because it excludes the oxygen.
An oxygen concentrator is a medical device that takes in room air, removes nitrogen, and delivers purified oxygen to the user through a mask or nasal cannula. It is commonly used for patients with respiratory conditions that require supplemental oxygen therapy.