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Q: Which type of special bed used in the hospitals to tranport patients?
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Type of employers for occupational therspist?

nursing homes, hospitals, and any health care provider with at least 35 patients

How do New york hospitals, find someone with A blood type.?

Not necessarily just in New York but just about everywhere they use the same techniques as every hospital in the United States. Hospitals keep a record of past patients which contain their blood type. They might contact them or they may contact the local blood bank which most surely have your blood type stored.

Do hospitals kill patients?

Certainly not any good hospitals would. I am sure that some not-so-good hospitals have killed people before.Answer:Discounting murder mystery plots where patients are targeted to gain estate money for the hospitals, as part of international spy plots, or feed hordes of zombies in the basement, patients do die in hospitals. These deaths are sometimes a result of disease and their complications and at other times due to the actions of the hospitals. Whether this is killing the patients or causing their deaths is debatable. Causes of this type of death are:Misadventure. The wrong drug or treatment is employed by accidentMisdiagnosis. The patient is treated for the wrong diseasePatient instructions. The patient refuses services which might prolong his life.As a side effect. Use of palliative medications hastens death but reduces pain or sufferingTo little to late: Delays of patient arriving at hospital or to enter into proper treatment allow disease to progress to far to be treatedUnexpected complications. Patient has secondary problems which are undetected until the primary problem is treated.Hospital acquired infections.

What are the benefits of group therapy?

Group therapy is a special type of therapy in which the therapy session includes other patients in addition to the therapist. Some advantages include feedback, affirmation and encouragement from other patients with similar problems.

What type of patients treated by obstetrician?

Pregnant patients are treated by obstetricians.

What is the Difference between hospital and hospitality?

Hospital is an institution for diagnosing and treating the sick or injured, housing them during treatment, examining patients, and managing childbirth.Hospitals may be public (government-owned) or private (profit-making or not-for-profit). They may also be general, accepting all types of medical or surgical cases, or special (e.g., children's hospitals, mental hospitals), limiting service to a single type of patient or illness.While hospitality means hospitable treatment, reception, or disposition ,friendly, welcoming, and generous treatment offered to guests or strangers.

What is a parallelogram a special type of?

A parallellogram is a special type of polygon and a special type of quadrilateral.

Hospitals schools and libraries are examples of what type of land use?

schools, libraries, and hospitals are all institutional land uses.

A pharmaceutical company asks 30 patients with acne to volunteer for an experiment in which they will receive treatment with either a special medical lotion or normal moisturizing cream. What type of?

A clinical trial

Do hospitals offer some type of assistance program for those who have no health insurance?

Emergency rooms are required by law to see all patients who walk through the door.Patient assistance programs vary by hospital. It usually involves filling out some forms.

What type of doctors work in hospitals but do not do surgery?

consultation doctor

Who treat patients suffering from some type of tooth infection?

Who treats patients suffering from some type of tooth infection Answer is B. An endodontist