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Yes, you can do all of those things. However, many doctors advise against them during the first few weeks after having an IUD inserted, as there's a slightly higher risk of getting an infection during that time.

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There are no activity restrictions for women with IUDs. YOu can swim, exercise, and take a bath.

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Q: Can you go swimming take a bath use a tampon with an IUD?
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Can I use tampons if I have an IUD?

You should be fine as long as you are careful not to pull on the IUD strings , which you should not need to worry about too much since the string of a tampon is outside of your vagina, and the strings of your IUD should be inside the vagina up near your cervix. (If you find that your IUD strings are anywhere near your tampon strings, you should see your health care provider because your IUD might be expelled.) If you want to know more about contraception’s used to prevent pregnancy then visit Their team is just an email away and ready to answer your questions.

Can you take prenatal vitamins while having an IUD in?

Yes, you can take prenatal vitamins while an IUD is in.

How Much Amoxicillin should you take for an IUD?

An IUD is a choice of birth control.... I dont think you take antibiotics for birth control... you take antibiotics for infections.

How much does it cost to get an IUD removed if you have the Take Charge Medicaid Card?

Medicaid plans cover IUD removal.

Is it true to get vaginal bleeding while you have the IUD and be pregnant?

Pregnancy on the IUD is unusual. Bleeding with the IUD is not a special sign of pregnancy. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

How do you know if you are pregnant after removal of an IUD?

Take a pregnancy test

You are having a leep procedure with the Mirena IUD is there anyone that can tell you of their experiences with the IUD?

Just had the LEEP surgery... They had to take out the Mirena because of the string...Now I have to pay over 800 just to get a new IUD put in.

How long does it take to insert an IUD?

Typically it takes about 10-20 minutes to insert an IUD. Most of that time is involved in setting up for the procedure.

What is the differnec between a copper IUD and a multi load IUD?

A Multiload IUD is a copper IUD.

Tender breasts with no period and have IUD?

Better take a pregnancy test

Can an IUD cause abrasions on a man?

The IUD is in the uterus, and a man does not enter the uterus during sex. If you or your partner can feel part of the IUD in the cervix, and that's scraping him, the IUD is not likely to be effective. Take the morning after pill if you 've had sex in the last five days, and contact your health care provider for an exam. Don't rely on the IUD to prevent pregnancy if you can feel the plastic of the device in the cervix.

Morning sickness on Paragard IUD?

Nausea has many causes. If you have an IUD, pregnancy its not the most likely explanation. Take a pregnancy test. See your doctor if the nausea persists.