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People on here that say it does not clean any drug are straight up wrong. I speak from experience and was recommended to do so by my recruiting officer in the marine corps to pass a military drug test.

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12y ago
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9y ago

Niacin pills help the people who sell them make money, and I suppose they keep you from getting pellagra. They do pretty much bupkis with respect to "cleaning your system"; the only reliable way to do that is to stop using drugs and wait for the body to do so itself.

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13y ago

No. Niacin creates a skin flush (reddened and prickly skin). It does not help in elimination of drugs.

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11y ago

niacin can be used to filter almost any substance, that stays in your bloodstream, completely. as for whether or not it does this proccess faster is a mystery to swim.

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Does niacin really help passing a urine tests?

last I checked niacin will only help clear your system faster, although if it was like early 1990's niacin would fool the test. now a days it does nothing and some tests will either test for niacin and goldenseal, or give a false positive with eitherr in your system.

Does niacin work to clean THC from your system?

Don't know. Yes I just wasted this question.

Does niacin 100 mg clean your system of THC?

Flushing is something that closet chemists came up with to sell products. It does not actually work. The only thing that actually works is your own body's metabolism. It will remove the THC in its own time. There is nothing you can take that will boost that.

How do you clens your system of thc?

Niacin lots of Niacin. But he cautious cause it doesn't always work. Sweating, and pissing will help too. And cranberry pills. But if you need to cleanse why smoke?

Can you use nicoden to clean THC from your system?

No, it can't. Try flushing your system with lots of cranberry juice, if you drink enough it WILL work.

How long does it take to flush you system with niacin?

No, Flush Free Niacin does not clean out your system. It is meant to assist with heart and cardiovascular wellness, circulation, and it contributes to energy metabolism.

Does niacin work after eating weed?

If you're trying to flush your system of the remaining thc and cannaboids, yes niacin will help your body process them. However you will need to drink ALOT of water and It usually takes two to three days to get it out of your system using niacin, niacin also makes you turn red, really itchy, and sweat a lot. Of you've only eaten it once your body will process it out by itself (without niacin) in three to six days

Will niacin clean your system of amphetamine?

Amphetamine can be accurately tested up to 72, and variations in time length are due to fluid consumption, intestinal acidity which will influence absorption. From what I've read, niacin is not reliable as an aid to pass a drug test, particularly amphetamine. The sure bet is to abstain for a period of 72+ hours and drink lots of fluids.

How fast can niacin cleanse your system of cocain?

No, none of the B vitamins, nor any other vitamin, can make your liver work faster.

How long until niacin cleans your system?

niacin is a B vitamin, used to "flush" your system of cholesterol and/or drugs. I do not know why you would want the actual niacin out of your system, rather than the unwanted substances. Check your food labels, they all have a daily dose of niacin in them. Your body naturally needs it. Unless you've overdosed on some medical attention! =) this answer is gae as f***!

How many niacin pills should you take tocle?

None. It doesn't work and taking an OD of niacin is dangerous.

How does the complete colon cleanse work?

The complete colon cleansing system works by naturally flushing out toxins in the body and detoxing your system. You can purchase this book online from retailers such as Amazon.