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You start taking the pill at the end of your period, and then, yes you will not have a period again until the break in the pill.

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Q: If start taking the contraceptive pill on monday for example will your period stop from monday and only come again during the 'break' at the end of the pill cycle?
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Does the contraceptive implant affect your period?

Yes, the contraceptive implant affects your period. Some women have unpredictable bleeding, and others have none.

Can you use levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol tablets at the time of periods?

i thought yes, because that is what's in the contraceptive pill which is taken during your period aswell.

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Monday, September 11 during 3rd period and when it was raining.

What contraceptive should you use during menopause?

Menopause means you've had no period for 12 months. Once that's true, you don't need birth control.

How do you handle a period during a triathlon?

If you can plan, try to take your contraceptive pill so that your period doesn't come on those days. However, other options could be tampons, pads, and doubling up on underwear.

Can you be pregnant if your period is light and late if you have the contraceptive implant?

Pregnancy on the contraceptive implant is not likely. Lighter bleeding is normal on the contraceptive implant, as is changes in timing. You should not expect a regular, monthly episode of bleeding on the implant.

Do girls really have to get a period every month?

Yes unless they get a contraceptive that stops it.

When you can you get the contraceptive implant?

You can get it at any time of your cycle. It is advised that you get it on the 1st or 2nd day of your period. You need to be sure that you are not pregnant first which is why majority of planning is during your period. To be sure I'd get it the week of my period and then use back up protection for the first 2 weeks after you get it in. Works a treat.

When does your period become regular after stopping the contraceptive implant?

After stopping the contraceptive implant, your menstrual cycle will return to its previous pattern (whether regular or irregular) in four to six weeks.

If you've had the contraceptive implant fitted a year ago and have had no period since why would it start again practically a year to the day?

There is no special meaning associated with bleeding on the contraceptive implant.

If I am on a period day one will taking the contraceptive pill stop it and how soon?

Matter of hours, up to a day depending how heavy your period is.

Is it normal for your period to start four days after taking a 21 days contraceptive pills?
