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Yeah, I get that sometimes. It's no big deal. :)

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Q: Is pinkish brown discharge normal after coming off the pill?
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What does it mean when you have a brown discharge coming from your nose?

Brown nasal discharge can be a sign that there is bleeding in the nose or sinuses. Which are hollow cavities in the nose. A brown nasal discharge is not normal.

What happens if you're spotting brown pinkish discharge and you have painful cramps?

it means you need to go to the doctor.

If i have Positive pregnancy test but have cramps and when i wipe slight pinkish discharge?

Some light cramping can be normal along with some light pink or brown discharge with a pregnancy. But it's best to check with your OB/GYN for a more accurate answer for your exact situation.

Brown coloured discharge 3 days late period pains that feel like period is coming?

Its coming its just coming kinda late. Brown discharge is blood its just old blood which is why its brown. Its kinda like the beginning of your period when you have brown discharge, that is how mine starts.

Do you need to see a doctor if a have brown discharge?

Depends on where the discharge is coming from. If the discharge is from the anus, you're ok, but if the discharge is coming from the sex organs, go see a doctor.

Is a brown vaginal discharge after your period normal?


Is it normal to have brown discharge in your pants even though you have never had a period?

Yes, it is normal to see brown discharge even though you've not reached menarche. The brown discharge is light bleeding that has gone brown as it has aged and it mixes with your discharge. This can be a result of hormonal changes as your body prepares itself to ovulate and menstruate.

Is a brown discharge normal after period?

Brown discharge after menses is perfectly normal. As the flow of blood slows down it takes longer for it to expel from the body therefore turning brown becoming "old" blood.

You stopped your period a week ago and now you have a brown discharge is this normal?

Yes, this is normal. Your vagina is still "cleaning" itself out. The brown discharge is just old blood. Gross, I know, but it's totally normal. If you have brown discharge for more than a couple of days, I would see a doctor about that. Abnormal discharge can be a sign of an infection or STD.

Is it normal to have brown discharge before your first period?


What mean when have pink then brown discharge?

um i think its normal

Brown discharge after sex pinkish when wipe after urinate?

We are quite sensitive inside the vagina and bleeding a little happens sometimes, especially if there wasn't enough lubricant. The discharge could be if you are close to menstruation.