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The right time to take a pregnancy test depends on different factors, for example the type of technique ans the sample to use. If the technique is very sensitive it will be able to detect small fracctions of progesterone (pregancy hormon)present in the sample in a short time from the fecundation time. The sample has an important play as well. Urine has lower level of progesterone than serum. Hence it is more likely to have a positive result on serum in shorter time than in urine. To avoid false negatives results (negative tests because the level of hormon is not detectable yet, but the woman is already pregant) it is recommended to do the pregnancy test 2 weeks after the date the period supposed to come.


Any day after the expected missed period. If you do it before, it may be negative although in reality you are pregnant. The hormone levels are just not high enough to show.


It's recommended to use morning urine and not drink too much liquid before you go to sleep. Again, if you do it during the day or drink a lot of fluids it may dilute the hormone concentration.


You can take a pregnancy test four days before your missed period. Some tests work better than others. Use the one that stresses early pregnancy detection.

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13y ago
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18y ago

Chances are if you are on Birth Control and think that you may be pregnant that you have either missed a period or are having symptoms. If you have missed a period you can take a test at anytime now. If you are having symptoms you can take a test, or wait for your period to be late to see what happens. ~pawsalmighty

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11y ago

If you think you may be pregnant, it will give you peace of mind to find out you are not and a test is the only way to find out if you are pregnant, that is the only need for taking a pregnancy test while on birth control.

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15y ago

Take it when you are supposed to ovulate and in the morning with your first urin.

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14y ago

Yes. Birth control can not cause a false result because the hormones it contains have nothing to do with the hormones that a pregnancy test detects.

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11y ago

I missed a couple of my pills, and I was suppose to have started yesterday my mom says it could be off track cause where I haven't taken my pill should I have any worries?

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14y ago

You can take the pregnancy whenever. If you believe you could be pregnant, you should go to the doctor to get a real pregnancy test to make sure you're not pregnant.

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11y ago

It doesn't make sense to aim for conception when you're taking contraceptives.

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11y ago

You can take a pregnancy test at any time, even if you are on the birth control pill. The test will turn positive no sooner than 10 days after conception.

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