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F15 Eagle

F16 Flacon

F18 Hornet

F22 Raptor

A 10 Thunderbolt/warthog

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Q: Active planes in the US Air Force?
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How many planes does the US Air Force have in all?

about 6000

Where does us air force get there planes from?

private developing companies

Which country has the greatest Air Force in the world?

The US has the largest, best equipped, and best trained air force.

Japan's air force in the 1930?

The same as other industrial nations; mostly WW1 style bi-planes (two wings). Like the US, the Japanese Air Force was part of the Army.

Is there a better chance of flying helicopters for the USMC or fighter planes for the USAF if you are athletic with good grades and go to the branches college?

Um this is a tough one you can still fly fighter with the US marine corps but the air force has more planes Answer Air Force Credits cjk07

Did the army have planes in WW2?

Yes, there was no Air Force in World War 2. The US Air Force was not established until 1947. Up to that time, the Army Air Corps was responsible for air missions, though the Navy and Marines also had air wings.

How many active B-52 bombers does the us Air force have?

74 with 20 in reserve.

What keeps planes in the air if gravity pulls us down?

A plane is designed so that when it moves forward the air moving across its wings creates an upward force called lift, which counteracts the force of gravity.

Can other military branches stop the Air Force?

The US Army has more aircraft than the US Air Force does. The US Navy and the US Marine Corps have their own attack and fighter planes. All branches have a great deal of anti-aircraft weapons, from individual shoulder fired missiles to ship born anti-missile systems and ground installations. It would be an ugly fight. The Air Force can stop many different types of military branches because they are the fastest and the strongest. The Air Force has some aircraft that can't get shot down and can spy on their enemies. They also have planes that can destroy air, sea and ground targets.

Who flew the F-14 fighter jet?

The US Navy flew the F-14 from its introduction in September 1974 until it was officially retired from US service in 2006. During the late 1970s, before the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, nearly four dozen F-14s were delivered to Iran, and became the front-line fighter planes of the Imperial Iranian Air Force. Accounts vary, but it is believed that perhaps half of those planes are still in active service with what is now called the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force.

What are the different types of Military?

In the US, the "Active" (full-time) military services are the US Army, US Marine Corps, US Navy, US Air Force and the US Coast Guard (in time of war). Each of the military services also has a Reserve Force. Each state has a reserve force of National Guard personnel, which can be called up to active duty by the President of the US.

Can you join the air force reserves without a GED?

To enter the US Air Force regardless of component (Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard) you will need either a high school dimploma or GED.