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The amount of salt and minerals (salinity) increases the water's density and affects the ability of an object to sink in saltwater - for example, it is nearly impossible to sink if you're swimming in the Great Salt Lake in Utah due to the high salinity of the lake. The higher the salinity content, the harder it is to sink an object.

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Q: An object floats in sea water more readily because of sea water's?
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It floats because it's buoyant is equal to the waters. . ..

Why does water float in water?

Ice floats because ice is less dense (lighter) that water, especially the denser oceanic waters. Though ice floats, most of the ice cube, ice berg, etc, remains beneath the surface with only a portion showing above the surface.

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Whether an object sinks or floats depends more on its density than its weight. That's why a coin will sink but a ship will float. The Dead Sea's waters are much saltier than normal sea water, and it's been calculated that any object with a density of less than roughly 1.24 kg/liter will float.

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A can buoy is a floating cylindrical object in the water. They are red in British waters and green or black in US waters.

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Yes. An object floats in water if it can displace a volume of water that is equal to its mass. The denser the water is the less volume is needed for the same mass, and so the higher the object will float. This is the reason for the invention of the Plimsoll Line on the sides of ships - it shows how the ship will float in different waters which have different densities due to saltiness and temperature, and so indicates a safe loading limit.

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Do pieces of ice float in salt water?

I think that salty ice cube do float in water because ice bergs float it water and they're made of salty water. i think i depends on the density (Amount of salt) in the ice

Tropical ocean waters are more saline than colder because tropical waters?

Tropical ocean waters are more saline than colder waters because tropical waters undergo ocean currents due to the vertical and horizontal movement of seawater.

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An iceberg is a glacier that breaks off from a glacier or ice shelf and floats away in the ocean. These large chunks of ice can be found in polar regions and are a common sight in Arctic and Antarctic waters.

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under the waters and those are fish where at coral