none, there are no restrictions in Shinto as far as my studies show.
He was Shinto and Buddhism
SHINTO was the official Japanese religion (Emperor Hirohito was Japan).
There were many restrictions on African Americans in 1831 as many were still enslaved. Restrictions included things like not being allowed to participate in any religious based gathering at night.
Before the end of World War II, Shinto was the state religion.
torii, a gateway to a Shinto shrine
Shinto Buddhism,Zen Buddhism,Christian but predominantly Buddhist
No. There are no religious restrictions or religious requirements for any public office in the United States.
Shinto is not based on anybody on any body of religious law. Shinto belief revolves around "Kami" or deities. Kami can be related to natural forces, elements or animals. This all i know.
He was Shinto and Buddhism
its known as YIN YANG not ying yang originated in china not affiliated to any specific religious group
In the modern era Shinto-derived religious organizations can be broadly divided into two types, namely "sectarian Shinto" (kyōha Shintō) and "Shinto-derived new religions" (Shintōkei shinshūkyō). The term "sectarian Shinto" is widely used to indicate the thirteen sects of Shinto of the prewar era.
Most Japanese are Shinto and Buddhist.
SHINTO was the official Japanese religion (Emperor Hirohito was Japan).
buddhism and shintoAnswer:This is complicated and depends on what you count as religious affiliation. Many Japanese are "officially" related to a religion because of historic family traditions. On this basis figures that state 84% to 96% of Japanese adhere to Shinto and Buddhism. However when asked directed the majority deny any religious affiliations. 70% of Japanese profess no religious membership and 84% of the Japanese claim no personal religion. Only 15%t reported any formal religious affiliation in a recent census and 64% state that they do not believe in God, and 55% do not believe in Buddha. Some 70% to 80% do not consider themselves believers in any religion.
Shinto is not credited to any particular founder.
Shinto was concerned with daily life. Buddhism prepared people for the life to come.
Shinto is not a religious symbol. It is a complex Japanese veneration and honor system for their deceased ancestors. Shinto has no founders, no collection of canon of sacred text making up scriptures, and no agreed or fixed system of doctrine. It is often viewed as the way in which society is bound together in common values and attitudes.