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He never reached Asia. He accidentally discovered the Americas.

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13y ago
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14y ago

No Christopher Columbus never made it to Asia.

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13y ago


he really didnt

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13y ago

No, but he was trying to.

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9y ago

No, he found a route to North America

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Q: Did Columbus find Asia by sailing west?
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Navigator who wanted to reach Asia by sailing west from Europe?

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What did think he would find by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean?

If the he is Christopher Columbus, he was looking for a water route to East Asia.

Who wanted to find a water route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean?

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The explorer who tried to reach Asia by sailing west?

Christopher Columbus

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Christopher Columbus is the leader of what?

was the leader of the first European expedition that attempted to find a new trade route to Asia bi sailing West from Europe.

What differentiates Christopher Columbus from Bartolomeu dias?

Columbus planned to reach Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean, while Dias hoped to reach Asia by sailing around Africa and through the Indian Ocean.

Why was Christopher Columbus going on his journey?

He wanted to find an all-water route to Asia by sailing west. He was right that one might reach Asia by sailing west but he did not know that the continents of North and South America lay between Europe and Asia. What he accomplished was of far greater significance in the long run.

Which Continent was Columbus trying to get to?

Columbus was trying to get to Asia by sailing west from Europe, but he ended up reaching the Americas instead in 1492.