My vote would be the housefly or mosquito- they killed by spreading disease- far more people than were killed by large animals.
They are mostly known for their extremely large litters and the large quantities of milk they produce. They are mostly solid white with large floppy ears that are close to the face. Their heads are long and narrow.
The most large ones are the Easter Island rock faces.
people who pocess a large quantiy of money
A pandemic.
The term 'huge' is of course relative, but human heads are so large because they contain one of the proportionally largest brains in the animal kingdom.
The law of large numbers infers you will have 50% heads.
Between 25-30 large heads of cabbage.
its a tie they both have freakishly large heads,.(:
in a large population the contact with the people will be more. diseses can spread easily if it is a communicable disease.
When large number of people suffer from particular disease as against low incidence of the disease found normally, you call it a out brake.
In relative to their body size, pigs have large heads.
1 cm
When large numbers of people have died from contagious disease, as happened during the great plagues, the dead bodies are a disease risk. However, when large number of people have died from a cause other than disease, such as earthquake, tsunami, typhoon, etc., the bodies are not an immediate disease risk. If they are permitted to putrefy near sources of drinking water, they may eventually increase the risk of waterborne disease, but this is not a risk that requires immediate, emergency mass burials if alternatives will soon become available..
Dine Syndrome is a disability some people are born with. They can control their physical contact, but sometimes not what they say. Usually Dine Sydrome people have large heads, and point with their middle finger.
They get the name from their large, block like heads.