Harriet Tubman is an American icon due to her work with the Underground Railroad. She is an important part of American history.
asap rocky
They didn't know.
Harriet Tubman wasn't really different from others. I think that most people think she is different because she was brave. Another thing is that she helped a lot of slaves. She didn't leave them in the slave camp she came back for a lot of them. I think that is whet make people think she is different.!:)
British empire
Her husband
asap rocky
DicK LeGaCy :)
NO she was married to a man named John Tubman, but John was against Harriet runing away to the north, so she had to leave him. After that she never married again. NO she was married to a man named John Tubman, but John was against Harriet runing away to the north, so she had to leave him. After that she never married again.
They didn't know.
Jackie Left His Legacy Behind
Completely nothing
He won't have a legacy because he will die very soon.