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"Too eh"

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Q: How do you pronounce tu es in French?
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How do yo say you are in french?

tu es.(PS You dont pronounce the S at the end of "es")

How do you say 'you are quiet' in French?

You are quiet is 'tu es tranquille / tu es calme' in French.

How do you pronounce tu es mon ami in french?

"Tu es" would be pronounced like "too ay". The "mon ami" would be pronounced like it is spelled ("mohn amee").

What is 'Qui es-tu' when translated from French to English?

Qui es-tu? in French means "Who are you?" in English.

What is 'Tu es d'accord' when translated from French to English?

Tu es d'accord? in French is "Do you agree?" in English.

Tu es la?

In informal French: "Tu es là?" translates as "Are you there?"

What does Tu es français mean in French?

Tu es français means "you (singular and informal) are French."

How do you say are you a student in French?

"Are you a student?" in French is "Es-tu étudiant ?" or "Est-ce que tu es étudiant ?"

Where are you in French tu form?

Où-es tu?

What does Tu es Francais mean?

"Tu es Français" means "You are French" in French.

How do you say funny in french?

Tu es drôle, tu es marrant

How do you say how are yo?

tu es.(PS You dont pronounce the S at the end of "es")