Pferd is the German word for horse. Also Ross.(das) Pferd / (the) horse
To say body in German it is Körper
In order to say "My eyes" in German you say meine Augen
it is spieyeln in German
Rounders is "Schlagball" in German.
das Pferd
Kleines, schwarzes Pferd.
Pferd is the German word for horse. the plural horses is Pferde.
Pferd is the German word for horse. Also Ross.(das) Pferd / (the) horse
(the) horse = (das) Pferd
In German.
a horse in German is ein Pferd
Yes, a horse is more powerful than a German Shepherd.
horse = Pferd cow = Kuh
This is written in German and is a breed on the German translation of Howrse at - it translates as Dutch Riding Horse. It probably means the Dutch Riding Pony, I think pferd is a horse or pony. Your right Pferd is German for Horse but Deutsches Reitpferd actually means German Warmblood.
To tell (or ask) your horse to gallop in German is:"Gehen Sie zu einem Galopp."Translation is: Go into a gallop.